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There have been 315 items by konj1 (Search limited from 17-June 23)

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#218561 Your Thoughts on Spamlines

Posted by konj1 on 03 July 2016 - 07:26 PM in General AE Discussion

It think there should be a world where there is a limit on how many planes and destinations an airline can have, actually just the amount of planes would work. Like have the max amount of aircraft at 800 or 1300. It just seems an airline having 6000 planes seems un realistic.

The number is smaller than currently largest airline, and all in all that certainly wouldn't help, it would just make people buy biggest planes and actually much less realistic.


The entire game model must be more restrictive, less passengers, less a/c usage, less profit, more costs, more problems, that's realistic.

Having caps on anything is not thought through, basically too simple of an idea. Capitalism is all about getting bigger in the possible market, and currently the market and the equipment is unrealistic, fleet sizes are just a by-product and not a reason. Symptom, not a disease.

#218542 Your Thoughts on Spamlines

Posted by konj1 on 03 July 2016 - 02:37 PM in General AE Discussion

  pains to other ... , ...  barriers and challenges otherwise not in the game

lol, this sounds like a cheesy death metal song.  :furious:  :rofl:



I'm in the middle between the last two, but really, I think that there can be streamlines and it is allowed but the concept is no fun to competitors, this is a multiplayer game and a lot of spammers want to make it a one-player game. If Spamliners were restricted to certain worlds that would be nice for a realistic world where all the players try their best to make their own airline that would be lawful in the real world. Not the carp these splinters use.

As long as you don't redefine a set rules in those worlds, you're just venting frustration and being annoying.  :rant: won't help you be a better person. :) Be happy. (p.s. and constructive)


And I bet "spammer" players in current lists will be top 10 in new worlds. I'm looking forward to it. I supported several ideas that would cut profit margins, a/c exploitation etc.

Bring on realism, but not by nagging about those that do better than you by the known set of rules.

#210677 Your favorite underestimated planes

Posted by konj1 on 25 March 2016 - 07:34 PM in General AE Discussion

Nice answers, guys, can't wait to read more. :D



The Sukhoi Superjets.


Don't get me wrong, the Superjets are just absolute beautiful short range jetliners! Sure, they can't go over 2,000 miles, but having them based in a hub like Oklahoma City, they can do fairly well for covering the US from the center of the country. I personally prefer the Superjets over the Bombardier C-Series.

How do you mean SSJ can't go over 2,000 mi? :) Not the basic model but SSJ100-95LR can reach almost 3,000 mi in multi-class config. Anyway, yeah, great one. I always choose them when I have small airlines in non-western countries in modern worlds, they can do awesome job.


The plane that could best compare is E190 (we miss the AR version here), Bombardier CS (I'd also count them as one of these neglected planes) is kinda more competing with bigger planes, E195, 737-7 and A319.

#210663 Your favorite underestimated planes

Posted by konj1 on 25 March 2016 - 05:26 PM in General AE Discussion

What are your favorite planes that most other players in most worlds don't bother buying? :D

#209821 your favorite airport hq location

Posted by konj1 on 14 March 2016 - 01:01 PM in General AE Discussion

Yeah, US Midwest mid-sized airports are usually not too crowded.

#209849 your favorite airport hq location

Posted by konj1 on 14 March 2016 - 09:09 PM in General AE Discussion

Hm, I don't know, there's not much room for really great routes outside EU at EID, maybe if you count Moscow, Istanbul, and Cairo that can be reached with 737s and a few other destinations that could fill a 757, but otherwise it's pretty week to reach America and East Asia and to fill real wide-body intercontinental planes with that passenger number (you can spam with connecting pax but it's not very profitable at the beginning when your company is small).


If you want a small company with no competition it might be a good thing, but I usually see a lot of ambitious airlines in the Netherlands. :)

#209973 your favorite airport hq location

Posted by konj1 on 17 March 2016 - 01:07 AM in General AE Discussion

You can get a 747 or A380, lol... Too bad for 773 and A346, but I don't know why would an airline based in Ireland really need something bigger than (with attention to right engines) DC-10 or A333/A343/772 or later A359/789. :)


And A345 and 772LR are a waste of money anyway. Going ULR sucks. I use those if they get to used market to fill my need for more spam on more rational routes from big countries, I don't ever order them new and don't use them at all when I'm in some smaller country.

#219118 You can't believe how much I'm making on this route

Posted by konj1 on 08 July 2016 - 04:26 PM in General AE Discussion

Even for a realistic airline, that's nothing :/

Yup, that's very easy to do on such a huge route and such low competition.

#211420 Worst Planes in AE

Posted by konj1 on 06 April 2016 - 08:07 AM in General AE Discussion


What are the worst planes in AE in your opinion?


I dislike the Tu-104. On a route, I got 20,000 profit. But when I replaced the Tu-104 with DC-7s, I got 180,000

Tu-104 is a jet age pioneer, the first jet available in AE, what do you expect from jets of that era? Its only competition Comet is not much better either (let alone early models of Comet that should be first available, but IRW also had catastrophic structural failures and were pulled out soon), and other small early jets like Caravelle are still far from perfect.


Early jets should also be a bit more economical in AE than they are now until the min-70's fuel crisis.

But to cut long story short, yes, it's a time where props like DC-7 still make more economic sense than Tu-104, but also prop Tu-114 is even better than 707, and big jets are only ones that make serious money until late 60s.

#211445 Worst Planes in AE

Posted by konj1 on 06 April 2016 - 02:57 PM in General AE Discussion

By the way, Il-96-300 has the same problem as A340-500 and 747-8, AE allows total of seats only based on maximum certified number ignoring real space available even if you put a 3-class configuration with less than nominal max seat number.


Its real cabin length and width should mean that there should be place for 2- or 3-class configs similar to A340-200, rather than being more similar to much smaller 757-300.


They say it will be different in AE4... Having fun waiting. :whistling:

#211421 Worst Planes in AE

Posted by konj1 on 06 April 2016 - 08:11 AM in General AE Discussion

I'd like to put forward the Ilyushin IL-96. Horrific fuel flow and botch job cabin quality. I learnt my lesson the first time I used it

Not really, only Il-96-300 has comparatively bad fuel economy, but Il-96-400 is about as efficient as 777-200ER... Since it has shorter range, its better comparison is A330-300, and in use on most routes it makes only slightly less money than the super-efficient A330-300.

#212247 Worst Planes in AE

Posted by konj1 on 21 April 2016 - 10:35 AM in General AE Discussion

MOST of the ruasian rubbish are quite thirsty

737-500/600 & A18,A319. For the very small increase in operating costs you might as well get the bigger brothers that can carry more.

737-900(non er variant) makes absolutely sod all sense in the game too, same seat count as 737-800

:o  O_O  No version of 737 or A320 belongs to this topic... Especially super-efficient A319.


Some people like to have a smaller plane fleet when building a "realistic" airline, and I also like picking them up as used market surplus when I build big airlines, they fit to many routes where A320 or 738 is a bit too big.


So simply, they should not be on this list. 

#221584 Worst Planes in AE

Posted by konj1 on 09 August 2016 - 06:55 PM in General AE Discussion

VC-10 and Il-62 don't make a lot of money, but they make money, if you get used to the idea of getting less profit than with DC-10, you'll be content. They make the investment worth in 5-6 years (instead of most planes in AE paying off their value in ridiculous periods of 1-3 years), so no big deal, early jets are all pretty wasteful...


But I've never had real losses with those two except if there's too much competition so I don't understand people who say they just lose money. They're good planes for small long routes anyway, just like for 757 later (much more efficient, but just to make the point, I use them on the same type of routes), the kind of routes where I just don't get a lot of competition and it's all fine, and it's nice to fill all those spots. :)



I've never tried supersonics and I intend to keep it that way, numbers just don't add up. Maybe if I get reeeally bored sometime...  <_<

#212481 Worst Planes in AE

Posted by konj1 on 24 April 2016 - 10:37 PM in General AE Discussion

Its not when you are compatitng with 5 airlines which flew with more efficient planes,and made huge price dumping.

How the hell do you know exactly what they're doing? Your presumption is misleading.

They may have better scam IFS, they may even try to dump prices at a loss or zero profit to chase you away.Trying another plane in similar config and IFE by your company is the only way to know the exact difference.


A340-600 is a great plane in AE, it can make similar money as 777-300ER. 

Only A340 that's not very profitable is -500 because of the way AE doesn't recognize the max seats - 3 class config problem, and it's a gas guzzler just like 772LR, ULR doesn't make sense anyway.


(IRL A340's four engines would mean much higher maintenance but that's not so in AE)

#212614 Worst Planes in AE

Posted by konj1 on 27 April 2016 - 11:06 AM in General AE Discussion



MA60 is a solid prop, I never had problems with them and I played in China a few times, it was a patriotic duty of the company to buy something like 200 of them. :P

#212713 Worst Planes in AE

Posted by konj1 on 28 April 2016 - 07:00 PM in General AE Discussion

the 762ER is not very fuel efficient but has specific purposes - in AE at least


for 7000-8000mi routes with demands that cannot decently fill an A343 or 772E

for long haul on airports with short runways like HOU or AEP for some while 787 is not yet available

MDW can only use 772 or 762ER for long haul


762(ER) is not much less efficient than 757 and it's very good for 5000-7000 mi routes, which is what they actually fly IRL.


As I said many times, ULR sucks. If you're stretching your planes over 7000 or 7500 miles at most, that's just wasting fuel and good aircraft.

Especially from USA, it's really easy to find profitable LR routes rather than ULR.



All in all 762 is the only choice in its class and it can make good money if you don't overstretch it.

#213145 Worst Planes in AE

Posted by konj1 on 03 May 2016 - 08:57 PM in General AE Discussion

F-70 is really bad compared to Avro RJ70 or RJ85.


CRJ-700 is earning very similar compared to E170, so I can't see how it's "worst" when the only plane in its class and age has similar performance...

I think they're just fine for small but longer routes to bring 60K+ profits until ATR-72-600 and Q400 NG appear.

#221804 Worst Planes in AE

Posted by konj1 on 14 August 2016 - 05:31 PM in General AE Discussion

Not at all bad fuel economy for 70's-80's, wtf are you comparing them to? In the same age and size category, very similar to some (shorter range) versions of L-1011 and DC-10 (and actually better than LR versions), range similar to earliest versions of A300 and only a bit less economical, and they're great for dense short range routes, like many with a limited number of gates at the Asian market...


Too bad Russians ran out of money and screwed up development of the upgraded and longer range versions, and Il-96 came too late and also underdeveloped (reflected here also in bad turnaround times, but most people here don't get what that is)...

But for above mentioned purposes (dense markets, mid-range), they work just fine.

#213104 worst ae brands by country

Posted by konj1 on 03 May 2016 - 08:20 AM in Member Projects

Any airline that's called by some place on the opposite side of the world from where it's actually based. It's retarded and for some reason too common in AE.


I've seen too many Qatars in US or Ethiopians in China or Singapores in Europe. I mean, just fuggin dumb...

#215922 worst ae brands by country

Posted by konj1 on 03 June 2016 - 09:38 AM in Member Projects

Right now in S1 there's an airline in South Africa called ApartheidExpress, slogan "We're all better off flying our separate ways..."




That's one step away from naming an airline KKK Aryan Rebel and two steps away from naming it III Reich Lufthansa and sticking a swastika flag over the plane.


#208803 World with maximum hours useage for aircraft of 100 hours

Posted by konj1 on 21 February 2016 - 09:51 PM in New World Requests

This it the best easily doable idea I've yet read here!


I'm for that, sounds great!!!  ^_^


Bring it on soon! At least 2 worlds!



#210234 World Rδ Problems

Posted by konj1 on 20 March 2016 - 03:47 PM in New Players and Questions

Come on, I'm getting impatient. :P

#210215 World Reset: Rδ (1990-2020) - Unlimited Airlines Per Player

Posted by konj1 on 20 March 2016 - 11:30 AM in Announcements

:sleep: It's still paused, is that normal? :?

#209199 Winglets - cost and value

Posted by konj1 on 01 March 2016 - 10:48 PM in General AE Discussion

Winglets here cost a lot if you retrofit, but if you order them with a new plane new the entire program is completely free...


And if you invest the big lump of cash in retrofit, that doesn't raise the value of a plane at all, why not?


The entire system doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

#216982 [GAME] Count to 150 without a staff member interrupting

Posted by konj1 on 16 June 2016 - 01:44 PM in Off Topic

1,2,3,4,5.....150!1!1!11 I did it

Maybe it's just my sense of humor, but your threads are annoying. nhf :)