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#219521 Educate yourselves

Posted by konj1 on 14 July 2016 - 07:32 AM in Current Affairs

Socialism is the first step to the communist 'nirvana'. Socialists allow for some capitalist activity to maintain somewhat healthy economies but control the capitalist at every step.

No it's not. This is a radical and ignorant view, just like if some leftard said that any form of patriotism means a way to fascism, war and subjugation of other peoples, or that if you visit a church you want a taliban regime where religion would destroy everything. Nuances are everything and you're too blind in your right-wing radicalism to see them.


If you knew any history you would know that social democrats were the biggest enemies of bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution and in other conflicts that brought communism to power, and centrist socialists rebelled against communism in several instances and were afterwards persecuted by red terror as badly as other enemies.


And many real capitalists actually supported and support social democracy that never wanted to take all their wealth and business like communism, just tax a part of the surplus that many very rich people openly recognize they don't need and that a more just and stable society also helps them with more educated and healthy workforce. So you need some real education and gtfo in the meantime.

#219520 Educate yourselves

Posted by konj1 on 14 July 2016 - 07:22 AM in Current Affairs

You can't put a price on Freedom™.

Freedom cost' a buck o' feyv.

#219477 What should I change my name to?

Posted by konj1 on 13 July 2016 - 09:10 AM in General AE Discussion


#219474 Why are the TU-204-100 and TU-200-300 looked down upon

Posted by konj1 on 13 July 2016 - 08:25 AM in General AE Discussion

The 737 400 is probably the best plane in the game. Sometimes the challenge is to buy 1000 of these before they stop making them in 98


There's no need for that. A320 is better in many segments, and the successor 738 is good enough with fuel especially when winglets come, the only downside is 5 min. longer turnaround (makes difference only on short routes). (and they should all have more engine options)


Why are so many people obsessed with buying planes that go out of production in such huge orders? The challenge is to adapt to new situation. I occasionally make orders for some planes to come 1-1.5 years after they are not available for order, but that happened IRL. After that, I make an effort to find a way to cover routes with similar planes even if I miss unique properties of planes like 757, there's enough of other options and combinations that will produce similar effect.

And in the end, why order 1000 734 out-of-production? In most worlds I can easily have an enormous fleet of both 734 and 738 if I'm actively checking used market.

#219434 Different types of strategies I see.

Posted by konj1 on 12 July 2016 - 01:00 PM in General AE Discussion


#219432 Different types of strategies I see.

Posted by konj1 on 12 July 2016 - 12:57 PM in General AE Discussion

"Realistic" strategy:

-Buy aircraft that are well known in the real world, or your favorite aircraft, even if performance is not as great.

- fill any gap in the demand of routes, and avoid routes with over-demand market

When I play for fun, this, when I play for valuation trophies I'd say this is my strategy as well, but combined with flooding, and not pulling out too much (to make enemies feel weakness :P ).

Standard "spam" with price drops and only the most efficient planes is just not my thing (even if some adversaries automatically perceive a large fleet as "spam"). Price drops are both infuriating other players and not such easy work so I like to take it easy on that front and work on finding unsaturated routes instead, I like keeping some realism with high frequency instead of efficiency, and I like having some cute planes that don't make much of serious money but I like seeing them in my fleet, like Yak-42, CRJ700, or lately 328.  :wub:

#219357 Name an airport that you've been to that you think no one else in this th...

Posted by konj1 on 10 July 2016 - 07:02 PM in Off Topic


Been there.


How about Mestia - Queen Tamar Airport? Actually haven't used it, hiked passed it on the way to glaciers... A helicopter ride from Tbilisi by a Soviet legend Mi-8 was considered but we had a more down-to-earth real Soviet "marshrutka" experience, 10 hours in a shabby painfully overcrowded van instead... But the landscape on the way was amazing anyway.

#219307 Racial reconcilation

Posted by konj1 on 10 July 2016 - 10:14 AM in Current Affairs

Innocent blacks are not killed.


Okay, so where does your reconciliation begin when you deny basic facts proven in every possible way?

#219236 Additional Mod Staff

Posted by konj1 on 09 July 2016 - 03:44 PM in General AE Discussion

Yeah, agreed,


Apart from obviously offensive and, sadly, even genocidal content that sprouts here and there and no one cares, obvious spam and so on, this forum could also use some finer moderating to bring some order to relevant content, since it's so full of off-topic posts and repeated threads that need to be merged, some of those messy things are very good discussions but scattered all around in a big mess (and some need to be closed or deleted sooner than later).

#219191 Racial reconcilation

Posted by konj1 on 09 July 2016 - 11:47 AM in Current Affairs

While almost all whites have toned down the rhetoric and have tried to embrace and comfort the black community, Blacks have become noticeably more resentful and violent.


I see you're really ready to accept the truth. 

Your tone is so impartial and reconciliatory. -.- It's always nice to see someone congratulate themselves.


Too bad for your society, it's nice to think that you've "toned down rhetoric" and you can be politically correct all you want (and then support Trump to be less politically correct instead of you), but until behavior is toned down and capable black people are discriminated in daily activities and innocent black people are killed so often, this is hypocrisy and not reconciliation.


At least that's my view of America from the other side of the pond.

#219118 You can't believe how much I'm making on this route

Posted by konj1 on 08 July 2016 - 04:26 PM in General AE Discussion

Even for a realistic airline, that's nothing :/

Yup, that's very easy to do on such a huge route and such low competition.

#219115 How do non-realists win? Strategy

Posted by konj1 on 08 July 2016 - 04:24 PM in General AE Discussion

Over buying the market is important to lock out realists and how I lock out other Spam Airliners is buying all the gates so they are forced to build terminals but you know most Spam Airliners never build terminasl and I force them out of that market share.



This strategy is capturing every route possible and buying 1000-3000 planes of TU-204-100, TU-204-300 also it works with the United States the best then I make sure to fly all routes. It took me 15 minutes of play time and 4 hours of the bot to accomplish 8Billion so this works best for beaten realists and Spam Airlines.

Yeah, that's how you win, a lot of planes. You can't expect to get to #1 with 10 planes. And all that clicking is hard work.

What bot? I don't know about any bots in AE.

#218999 Spamlines

Posted by konj1 on 07 July 2016 - 01:09 PM in General AE Discussion

Wages is way lower in other countries outside the US. In Indonesia most FA for LCC earn IDR 10,000,000 a month Which is way better than most office worker. But it's translate to USD 4.8 per hour if they work 160 hours a month. So actually, the game system is not as realistic as people said. The minimum wage needed to be lower.

Why so definitely outside US? I've read that many regional airline co-pilots in US get less than $20k / year, some even as low as $15k, and can't pay off their student debt, I can't imagine such low wages for pilots in (too) unionized Europe because even bus drivers in some parts of Eastern Europe earn as much as that.


I'm saying, your point with less developed economies is correct, but USA is not the only high income country in the world and the rest of the world is not Indonesia.



And I think $200/week for an executive anywhere in the world for a company that is able to fly something as big as one ATR is not imaginable.


The model should be thoroughly changed, don't defend the current ridiculous situation. Wages must be a more realistic burden for airlines, yes, there might be even lower minimum if you adapt it to low-income economy, but there's no way it should stay as it is.

#218987 Why are the TU-204-100 and TU-200-300 looked down upon

Posted by konj1 on 07 July 2016 - 09:40 AM in General AE Discussion

By the way Tu-214 in AE is sometimes a good choice compared to Tu-204-100, faster production and shorter turn-time, it's better to fill shorter routes despite higher price.


Tu-204-300, on the other hand, is just too wasteful. I buy them for fun when I have enough money, but they spend far too much fuel with engines same like 30% larger versions.

#218986 Why are the TU-204-100 and TU-200-300 looked down upon

Posted by konj1 on 07 July 2016 - 09:30 AM in General AE Discussion

In real life they are garbage, but in this game it doesn't matter, no diff than the 757 or 321

From what I've read, IRW they're not garbage, like most Russian planes they are pretty good to fly but their economic side and logistics are questionable - not giving much care about fuel consumption and after USSR fell apart even production was not constant, there were a few dozens produced so it's even less imaginable how to maintain them in countries where A and B dominate and there are no spare parts.


In AE, long-term they are not such a bargain, maybe if you're just starting in S2 where cash is hard to get by, but otherwise they spend fuel like 757 while carrying 15% less pax, so costs are higher. But I like them and buy them often if I don't play in the West (especially if I need to flood the market), a nice addition for mid-range routes until 737-900ER comes (of course, I'd prefer Boeing if I can get enough of them).

Although, they get winglets much earlier so that 757 consumption should be more at A321 level; until 757 and A321 get winglets, of course.

#218918 How much my base airport will hinder me?

Posted by konj1 on 06 July 2016 - 04:38 PM in New Players and Questions

Thanks Berubium, Ofcourse I am not aiming to win as I prefer to enjoy the game rather than running my airline on a very tight budget But I just was disappointed to see that after all time I am investing in my airline, My rank stopped ascending and started to go down.


Anyway, I will see how the things will go but I feel that the connecting pax in AE are just helpful to fill the extra capacity and not very useful as a source of income to build an airline around it.

Build a hub, it will be all right. They're not just helpful, they bring a lot of pax and you can fill planes 10x over your initial pax number for a route. You can actually build a pretty large company on connecting pax, a lot more above what you would have without a hub, Cairo is good enough to have a fleet of largest planes. It can be a solid number, but just not comparable with profit margins of those with bigger markets.




Don't forget, you have Sharm El Shiekh & Hurghada that you can use as secondary hub airports in Egypt, which should also provide you with decent pax numbers.

Not in S1, there's 1 terminal-hub limit.

#218561 Your Thoughts on Spamlines

Posted by konj1 on 03 July 2016 - 07:26 PM in General AE Discussion

It think there should be a world where there is a limit on how many planes and destinations an airline can have, actually just the amount of planes would work. Like have the max amount of aircraft at 800 or 1300. It just seems an airline having 6000 planes seems un realistic.

The number is smaller than currently largest airline, and all in all that certainly wouldn't help, it would just make people buy biggest planes and actually much less realistic.


The entire game model must be more restrictive, less passengers, less a/c usage, less profit, more costs, more problems, that's realistic.

Having caps on anything is not thought through, basically too simple of an idea. Capitalism is all about getting bigger in the possible market, and currently the market and the equipment is unrealistic, fleet sizes are just a by-product and not a reason. Symptom, not a disease.

#218543 Realistic Utilization?

Posted by konj1 on 03 July 2016 - 03:01 PM in General AE Discussion

Some Long-haul-low-cost-carriers like Air Asia X makes huge profits on flights that last 10hrs. If they do this back and fourth everyday, their utilization is 20hrs/day! So 20hr util is possible and realistic if conditions are right. But as I said is rare. 

It's not rare, it's impossible, they can schedule those runs for a single plane and keep them running for days, but not weeks or months, sooner or later planes get to week and month long maintenance, so a schedule for an aircraft doesn't really make an average for a fleet. I hope you can understand that you oversimplified things.


My "realistic" airlines had around 12 h exploitation for short-liners and up to 15 for mid/long haul, because AE's months have 24 days so I'm multiplying realistic expected usage by a factor of ~0.78, which gets 12 to around 9.5 and 15 to ~11.5, I'd say that might be more or less realistic.

#218542 Your Thoughts on Spamlines

Posted by konj1 on 03 July 2016 - 02:37 PM in General AE Discussion

  pains to other ... , ...  barriers and challenges otherwise not in the game

lol, this sounds like a cheesy death metal song.  :furious:  :rofl:



I'm in the middle between the last two, but really, I think that there can be streamlines and it is allowed but the concept is no fun to competitors, this is a multiplayer game and a lot of spammers want to make it a one-player game. If Spamliners were restricted to certain worlds that would be nice for a realistic world where all the players try their best to make their own airline that would be lawful in the real world. Not the carp these splinters use.

As long as you don't redefine a set rules in those worlds, you're just venting frustration and being annoying.  :rant: won't help you be a better person. :) Be happy. (p.s. and constructive)


And I bet "spammer" players in current lists will be top 10 in new worlds. I'm looking forward to it. I supported several ideas that would cut profit margins, a/c exploitation etc.

Bring on realism, but not by nagging about those that do better than you by the known set of rules.

#218539 How much my base airport will hinder me?

Posted by konj1 on 03 July 2016 - 01:45 PM in New Players and Questions

Of course you'll lose top 10 position if you're based in Egypt, airlines based in Russia, Japan, S. Korea, Indonesia, Turkey, Canada, Brazil, Australia or India or a dozen of other second-tier markets can easily get ahead of you, let alone those from US, Europe and China.


Even with S1 airport limitations, don't expect to stay in top 10.



Hub and spoke will be a good thing for your airline, much smaller airports than Cairo can do great with it. 

#218108 #MakeBritainGreatAgain

Posted by konj1 on 28 June 2016 - 07:55 AM in Current Affairs

Why would these countries people be so inclined to venture in, if Britain is so horrid,

LOL, "venture in", are you really that ignorant or trolling big time? 


This is the second most stupid thing I've read here (after that there were 0 genocides ever in North America).

#218046 747-8 Fuel Cost

Posted by konj1 on 27 June 2016 - 11:48 AM in General AE Discussion

Yeah, it's strange, also, BAe 146 / Avro Rj is much more economical than any regional jet of its size until CS100 (or maybe faster E195).

Although I read that their their 4 engines were pretty good and efficient, I really wonder if they were constanty 15% better than F-100 or 717, it seems too much, idk...

#218022 #MakeBritainGreatAgain

Posted by konj1 on 27 June 2016 - 06:25 AM in Current Affairs

 Trump, Brexit, UKIP, conservative majorities like everywhere, 

You're ridiculous, are you aware how many real conservatives despise both Trump and UKIP or any other similar party in Europe for that matter? And how many naive blue collar workers that don't support any real conservative agenda and otherwise support Labour, Democrats, trade unions and other left-leaning movements are with them now just because "they took our jerbs"? There's no real conservatism here, only exploiting fear and ignorance to pump up nationalist sentiments. This is mindless populism from overly ambitious quasi-politicians that ride the tide of saying just anything to get to power because it's resounding well in the era of political elites being confused and without character, but they want power they wouldn't know how to handle and would disrupt everything.


Even if immigration or the entire political system has to be changed, the Western world doesn't need dangerous clowns to do it.


And you're just using words "conservative" and "liberal" from American daily politics vocabulary in the most dumb way that concerns British and European politics even less.



Maybe it would be detaching yourself from the only declining trade block in the entire world.


You really know a lot about EU... You don't have to try, it's too complicated for you.

If I asked you three easy questions about EU I bet you'd have no idea without googling. 

#217949 #MakeBritainGreatAgain

Posted by konj1 on 26 June 2016 - 09:38 AM in Current Affairs

 In other words there has been such a large influx of immigrants that certain areas of major cities one does not hear any English being spoken or see any traditional English foods, decor or feel as if one was even in England but rather one would feel more like they were in N. Africa, Syria or Bangladesh.  To this the people born in Britain had their chance to state their peace with the present over running of their traditional manners and norms.  

And how the hell is that EU's fault? Most of those people that British xenophobes want out ot the country are from former British colonies, not from EU. Britain could have also reduced internal EU migration (from Poland etc.), but it's a lesser problem, and if it was a wrong decision to let so many in from EU, it was British and not European wrong decision, because no country inside EU is forced to allow limitless migration, free movement is a norm inside EU but for limited amount of time and with limited things to do, allowing everyone to permanently work and settle anywhere is not EU's directive, letting someone settle and get easy permanent working permits is totally optional and dependent of countries' policies.


You can be a developed economy inside EU and stay mostly closed to immigrants, like Finland, for example. And I don't even have to count all the EU countries that said no to Syrian refugees. It's the British elites' move to get more cheap labor, not EU's. And without immigrants developed economy with shrinking population it gets to eternal stagnation like in Japan, but repeating that is obviously useless, even if it's completely correct, because nationalistic arguments are always more loud and clear.


Misinformed blaming EU for all the problems is simply stupid, but now it is what it is.... And it's what got to the biggest ****storm in British modern history. Now no one even wants to be the prime minister, for ****'s sake!!! Out-vote planning was superb, just great. Just a bunch of phrases and no real ideas how to do it. -.-

Leave-conservatives like Boris Johnson obviously didn't think it would happen, they just wanted to collect populist points from naive people and now they have no courage or idea about what to do next, and ridiculous wannabe politicians like Farage won't get anyone anywhere, he's happy about upcoming recession "that would happen anyway", a great economic and political genius. And I can even less understand gloating about "free Britain" when there's a high likelihood that the existing country named Britain won't exist anymore after all this is over.

#217850 Wide body starting aircraft options in AE worlds & flight plan chooser

Posted by konj1 on 25 June 2016 - 01:53 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

You're being stubborn with your definition of a "vacation airliner". 


I don't know why wouldn't your vacation company start with 733 or A319, that would be a totally common plane to fly either charters or standard routes from Canada to Caribbean (or from Northern Europe to Mediterranean if you're searching for other vacation examples). When you get bigger buy whatever you want.