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#155037 Calling on New Players

Posted by the DOC on 08 November 2013 - 08:45 PM in New Players and Questions

I thought you cancelled this. :P

No it's just a little.. inactive but it should always be here and I'm always prepared :P

#155086 Calling on New Players

Posted by the DOC on 09 November 2013 - 05:21 PM in New Players and Questions

[quote name="grimsleeper" post="155085" timestamp="1384016295"]

Coturavi Airways[list][*]Ultra-short routes are not very profitable,

Depends on what you mean. 150 to 250 miles is the most profitable for me. However, flying under 200 miles is better due to price breaks

#147647 Calling on New Players

Posted by the DOC on 20 July 2013 - 07:16 AM in New Players and Questions

Hi, I'm DOC.  You may have noticed that I'm consistently in the number 1 spot and always in the top 10 (aside from R Delta).  Contrary to what people say, I don't have to "spam" by flooding routes at $1 etc.  It's all about efficiency.  There are also countless ways to cut costs and increase revenue (aside from scam IFS).  I'm looking for new players here on AE to teach these ways to.  So, if you're having trouble with airlines or simply want to learn, I'll start an airline and give it to you.  With this, I will share some tricks and I will monitor the airline and I will try to make sure that you get the best out of it.  There is no catch. So, if you're interested, send me a PM and I'll do my best for you   :) 


#154649 Calling on New Players

Posted by the DOC on 31 October 2013 - 10:22 PM in New Players and Questions

Hi i'm a new player! I have an airline in world R0. It's called France Airlines and I have about 30 millions of money there.

Well, what do you need help with? (You can send me a PM if you wish)

#155036 Calling on New Players

Posted by the DOC on 08 November 2013 - 08:44 PM in New Players and Questions

Hello there! I'm a new born babe (just started today!) so... it seems I could use all the help I could get  I'll bite! PS I *really* hope there isn't another Airline with my chosen name. I don't want a brouhaha with some other Celt coming after me with a shillelaigh! :D

I'm a Celt... :P but PM me what exactly you want and I'll do my best :)

#162388 Calling on New Players

Posted by the DOC on 24 January 2014 - 09:09 PM in New Players and Questions

hey cod949...I sent you a pm and def intrested in your offer. I currently run an airline and it's doing okay but with your guidance maybe it'll go further...pm me when you get a chance...gracias...:-)

Alright I'll have a look at that PM and see what I can do.  Expect a reply in the next 12 hours or so :)

#160343 Solution to Constant Expansion

Posted by the DOC on 06 January 2014 - 05:10 PM in General AE Discussion

1) realistic order queues
2) limiting IFS prices (eliminating scam ifs but still making profit possible)
3) realistic utilisation (I know aircraft technically can keep their aircraft going that long but how many people are going to want regional flights at 3am :huh: ? I can tell you now: pretty much nobody :awesome: )
4) loadfactors: very rare do you actually get 100% loadfactors so even with the default price (which brings me onto my next point), airlines should only manage 80-90%
5) the default price is fairly high... I don't need to say any more :P
Feel free to sum up :P those are a couple of main things because anything I can think of is nitpicking

#159998 Solution to Constant Expansion

Posted by the DOC on 02 January 2014 - 10:14 PM in General AE Discussion

Yuxi needs to rethink how AE works (at least in one open world) to create a neverending world
where a airline (limited to 1 per person) has to do research to survive.

- No competition (playing against yourself)
- open world
- endless world (no resetting)
- research (that requires spending AE$ to create Research$ to use researching things)
- all aircraft available if a airline does enough research (but only 5 or 10 right away without research)

AE is getting stale (some of us are tired of repeating the same thing over and over - we would prefer to not lose our progress in game)

Not attacking you here :P but I fail to see your point.
1)We're trying to find a solution to expansion yet you're making it easier.
2) You say AE is getting stale? I beg to differ. Try something new. Make it harder for yourself or start an airline in Uzbekistan and see how you get on. Life is the same way.
3) again coming back to AE being "stale". A never-ending world just contradicts your point. Most current worlds are stale after 20 years. I don't need to say any more

#160441 Solution to Constant Expansion

Posted by the DOC on 07 January 2014 - 11:45 AM in General AE Discussion

Well time tabling is coming with AE4 (God the amount of times I've said that <_< )

#160682 Solution to Constant Expansion

Posted by the DOC on 09 January 2014 - 12:10 PM in General AE Discussion

I believe expansions are limited by capital in real life rather than aircraft delivery, however.


I would rather stick to an airline game (i.e. ticket sales being sole source of income) though, I can always play another game if I wanted to play a stock market game.

1) I agree but capital is never a shortage on AE ;) 

2) Investopedia is a good investment game... :whistling: Seriously, I think it would be nice since I do follow the markets and it would add another element of realism and excitement 

#159926 Solution to Constant Expansion

Posted by the DOC on 02 January 2014 - 10:53 AM in General AE Discussion

Part of the problem is the constant restarting of worlds, we need a world that never ends (for everyone)
like http://www.airlines-manager.com/ (it is in French so use google chrome's translate function)
where you have to research stuff to expand
(for example: The selection of airplanes available for purchase is limited unless you have
unlocked aircraft by researching them)

So basically at least one world that is a hybrid of Airline Empires and Airline Manager

Also Having a neverending open world (for everyone) would force people to have to
differentiate between their airline and their competitors airline
(thus forcing a shift of focus to the Route Reputation & IFS Reputation as a
matter of survival in a crowded world)


Could those two (1 Realistic & 1 Open) "huge expansion rate" worlds each be a sort of "Sandbox world" ?:
- Open to everyone (unlike S4)
- really long (1950 - 2050)
- day length of (20 min / day)
- Airline Limit (1 / player)

Wel... the longer a world goes on the more congested and spammed the world will become (and more derelict airlines) so I don't really support

#160558 Solution to Constant Expansion

Posted by the DOC on 08 January 2014 - 03:25 PM in General AE Discussion

Also, by Year, doc means an AE year, so anywhere between 1 year and 1 century ;)

Perhaps that is a "development year" :sly:

#160548 Solution to Constant Expansion

Posted by the DOC on 08 January 2014 - 02:39 PM in General AE Discussion

What I wanted to say is:



In AE, new players start off in a world and they almost always go into the negatives. What I think is that we should have a new airline's luck sort of system. Basically what it is, is for example a board. What the board does is help you out, for example giving you discounts, helping you in getting that formula for ticket prices on that route that your making negatives in. It's just basically a computer generated system. We could also have the "board" give cash prizes depending on how much money the player has. For example we can have it say "A local investor has decided to invest into you, here's $10 million." Or something like that. This should cap off whenever the airline either reaches 50 airplanes in his/her fleet, or whenever the airlines' value reaches a certain number.



No route flooding. All the big airlines in most worlds just flood the routes and if there is a demand for 2,000, there are over 6,000 seats on the market. It basically makes it impossible to do fly profitable routes. So basically we can code it in a way so there is a "cap" of seats you can put on the market for a route like SFO-JFK. And for example if it is a big airline, the cap should be lower? That way beginners get to make some more money.



We should have a stock market. If we can create a stock market for AE, we could have large airlines investing into smaller and beginner airlines so that they don't go into negatives. 

1) We have a sandbox world for new players where it's impossible to fail.


2) Route flooding is part of life. It happens in real life too.


3) Coming in AE4 or AE 5 so if you stay around another year or so you should have it

#156856 Solution to Constant Expansion

Posted by the DOC on 05 December 2013 - 10:04 PM in General AE Discussion

I think it would be nice indeed to see flight times and be much more involved as a player with the flying routes.
Also, I have some other suggestions
- being able to buy (dismantled) airlines who filed for bankruptcy
- the possibility of stopovers and fuel stops in order to fly longer distances
- the possibility to relocate the HQ after, for example, downsizing in order to avoid bankruptcy.

These have been suggested many times before but yes they will be in AE4 (if the damn thing ever comes out D: ).

#154420 Solution to Constant Expansion

Posted by the DOC on 29 October 2013 - 10:18 PM in General AE Discussion

I don't often participate in the forum, but I noticed this thread and figured I'd throw in my two cents

2 cents? :huh: you threw in your life savings :P but I have to agree with pretty much everything here. This alone should help a great deal

#154419 Solution to Constant Expansion

Posted by the DOC on 29 October 2013 - 10:12 PM in General AE Discussion

Real airlines do turn a profit on their IFS. Lowering that profit is perhaps reasonable, but outright making IFS unprofitable in every case is not.

Well they'll still turn a 10-15% profit at least by selling at 25% over what they paid (I.e. €12.50 when it cost them €10)

#154185 Solution to Constant Expansion

Posted by the DOC on 27 October 2013 - 08:06 AM in General AE Discussion

I have just a couple of things to say here:
1) lower utilisation limit
2) higher fuel prices
3) having a set industry average and not be allowed to pay any less that ~50% (that general idea)
4) no scam IFS. Even if that worst quality IFS is allowed at least limit the price to 25% more than what the airline pays for it before it sells it

#159855 Solution to Constant Expansion

Posted by the DOC on 01 January 2014 - 05:13 PM in General AE Discussion

Personally, I really like the constant expansion aspect of the game. However, from reading the other posts, it seems like I'm in the minority. If there are changes made to the game concerning this aspect, is there any way that at least 1 realistic and 1 open world could continue to have the constant expansion aspect, i.e. the way it is now?

Different difficulty worlds have already been proposed and it is agreed (from my understanding) that some worlds in AE4 will let you be able to expand at a huge rate (as it is now) and other worlds will have more growth restrictions.

#155241 Solution to Constant Expansion

Posted by the DOC on 11 November 2013 - 06:08 PM in General AE Discussion

 I'd say changing aircraft from "operating hours" to a time table would lead to an instant reduction in expansion.  

That is already planned for for the next version of the game (AE4) which should be out in late 2014 or 2015 (correct me if I'm wrong). It is one of many ways to combat unrealistic expansion and size. Welcome to AE by the way :wave:

#155278 Solution to Constant Expansion

Posted by the DOC on 11 November 2013 - 11:13 PM in General AE Discussion

I keep my pilots on call in the cargo hold.

Michael O'Leary Jnr. here D: nice idea though. I also like to leave them on te runway side

#155243 Solution to Constant Expansion

Posted by the DOC on 11 November 2013 - 06:20 PM in General AE Discussion

Just imagine the devastating impact on AE airlines' operating efficiency if we have to make sure scheduling for crews, gates, and banks of connecting flights are physically possible... :sly:

If it wasn't for my conscience I'd oppose this bitterly :hmmph:

#159927 What planes have you flown in?

Posted by the DOC on 02 January 2014 - 10:55 AM in Real World Aviation

Ryanair- Boeing 737-800

+1 ^_^

#161642 What planes have you flown in?

Posted by the DOC on 17 January 2014 - 08:18 PM in Real World Aviation

I need some variety on what aircraft I've flown on. Maybe I'll use a 757 some time... :P

I was on a Continental 757 from SNN to Newark. Wasn't too bad (especially since the music association paid for the flights...)

#160045 What planes have you flown in?

Posted by the DOC on 03 January 2014 - 09:32 AM in Real World Aviation

I have suffered the torture too many times -_-

That's what you get in Ireland (as with Europe however there do seem to be more options in other countries)

#154427 What planes have you flown in?

Posted by the DOC on 29 October 2013 - 11:00 PM in Real World Aviation

A320-200 (Aer Lingus)
A321 (SAS)
A330 Aer Lingus
ATR 72 (Aer Arann)
Boeing 737-800 (Ryanair ^_^ )
Boeing 757 (United Continental)
MD-80 (American airlines)
There are a few others that I just simply cannot remember >_>