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There have been 6 items by aceorbitdr (Search limited from 08-June 23)

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#278964 How to calculate "other" fee before starting a route.

Posted by aceorbitdr on 24 August 2019 - 08:18 AM in New Players and Questions

Hello AE forums. I was wondering if there is a way to calculate the "other" section of expenses on flights before starting them. I'm trying to run a small airline running regional routes using the PC12, and for internationals I have found it difficult to see if they will make money other than doing it by trial and error. I'm a pretty big numbers person so I try to plan out routes before adding frequencies and such, but finding out if they will be profitable has been difficult as it relates to the "other" section of expenses on routes. For example, I had a route running Switzerland to Sweden and Switzerland to Greece where other is my biggest expense preventing me from making money. At first I thought it was because these are international routes, but then I started Switzerland to Austria which seemed to make money even though it is an international routes. So what is factored in the "others" expense that I can calculate in reducing to open more variable routes? Thanks!

#274819 How to make a creative livery

Posted by aceorbitdr on 05 January 2019 - 11:31 PM in Logo / Livery Requests

Hello AE community, forgive me if this isn't the correct category, but I would just like to figure out how people make such creative and wonderful liveries for their virtual airlines. I have tried my best to get inspiration from real-world airlines and some amazing liveries I have seen on here, but I'm always afraid if I take to much inspiration from these they might end up just being a re-skin of a current airline. Often my liveries come out looking very simple, bland, and boring, but my company might have a decent backstory and logo. So I'm just interested to know, how do people come up with cool designs?


Here is an example of some of what I have made, and I'm trying to give this airline a complete rebrand, I'm just having trouble coming up with a livery that's stylish and modern.



#273524 How to upload images in to a reply to a thread

Posted by aceorbitdr on 28 October 2018 - 11:06 PM in New Players and Questions

What I do is upload my picture onto tinypic.com and once its uploaded copy the "IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards" Link. Once its copied click the light switch in upper left corner of the text editor (BBcode Mode). After its in BBcode Mode, just paste the link and post.

Thank you so much!

#273523 Livery Advice Megathread

Posted by aceorbitdr on 28 October 2018 - 11:05 PM in Designer Showcase

Hello, my in-game airline is Key West Airlines. If anybody is willing to give some feedback on this livery that is much appreciated.

#273519 How to upload images in to a reply to a thread

Posted by aceorbitdr on 28 October 2018 - 09:20 PM in New Players and Questions

Hello AE forums, this might seem like a bit of a silly question but how do you upload an image into a reply to an already started thread? I see that you can attach files in a new thread and I have seen the image button but I do not understand where do I get the URL from to post it as a reply. I am interested in uploading some of my aircraft liveries to get some feedback and criticism.

Here is what I am able to see on my screen:

Attached Thumbnails

  • Screenshot_5.png

#273281 Aviation Design Consultancy

Posted by aceorbitdr on 22 October 2018 - 09:32 PM in Logo / Livery Requests

Airline name: Key West Airlines


Type of carrier: Regional Airline


Country of origin:

United States (The Florida Keys to be more specific)



 Embraer 120 or Embraer 135 [Which ever one you like more]


Colours (Optional):

#3dd8ea #dc5c05


Registration (Optional):

Standard US Registration, N###KW would be nice.


Notes (Optional):

If possible it would be nice to have a palm tree silhouette on the tail. Thank you. :)