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There have been 92 items by mastacheifa118 (Search limited from 02-June 23)

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#268678 (S4B) The Spanish Inquisition shared control

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 24 May 2018 - 11:36 PM in Airline Takeover / Shared Control Requests

72M DOP, 50 idle aircraft with 117 on order, and hubs in Oakland, San Jose, Burbank-Hollywood, Santa Ana, Indianapolis, and LaGuardia. It's essentially a sandbox as of right now, and I need help setting up routes when I'm away.


Yeah, this could be a big one.

#268609 what would be the easiest country to operate out of?

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 23 May 2018 - 09:56 PM in New Players and Questions

America, there are some very obscure airports that only very few people operate to, such as


-LaGuardia (takes some knowledge of geography and a rather early start)

-Burbank (its also LA, ya know?)

-Chicago Midway

-Charlotte (sometimes)




-San Juan, Oakland, and San Diego (sometimes)


-San Antonio






-Louisville/Cincinnati/Columbus/Cleveland (all in a nice straight line)

-Des Moines

-Kansas City

-St. Louis 


Just pull out google maps and do a quick scan.

#268487 [GAME] Describe the person above you in 6 words.

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 21 May 2018 - 05:31 AM in Off Topic

ha ha you ran out of

#268483 [GAME] Describe the person above you in 6 words.

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 20 May 2018 - 11:46 PM in Off Topic

Oh no I'm running out of 

#268482 [GAME] Ban the person above you

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 20 May 2018 - 11:42 PM in Off Topic

Banned for the worst KSP joke that I have ever heard, so bad that I am willing to kill myself by meeting "The Emperor" in person and complimenting him on the way that he breaks plays this game.


You're welcome person below me. I gave you enough material to work with.

#268481 Inflated Spamlining by Artificial Demand [ISAD] | Declaration of Rights and G...

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 20 May 2018 - 11:39 PM in General AE Discussion


1. No s***.
2. No s***.
3. No s***.
You are trying to justify your arguments about real-life aviation vs a free online game. Did you know how many hours and money someone needs to spend to create a free online game to fit your demand?
Also, you are trying to force people to play realistically even though the game doesn't have any rules about what kind of airlines you could run. After all, it's not cheating, otherwise, the Moderators would have banned the practice or the players who've done it


They said that they had to upgrade their servers to handle the spamlines.


The game owners are having to spend IRL money so a handful of exploiters can tell everyone else that they are slaves.


Does this sound like its against a rule? Maybe more than one?

#268480 Traffic & maintenance restrictions

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 20 May 2018 - 11:27 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

Physical traffic restrictions at airports


The average airliner uses roughly 1 minute for its takeoff roll. Add another 9 minutes for wake turbulence to disperse, and add on another 5 minutes due to other factors (weather, someone spilling the coffee all over ATC, late passengers, etc) and we get 672 departures/week. However, landings take much longer, so we can use the rather conservative rate of 1 arrival/departure every 15 minutes, which means the maximum amount of flights that a single airline can operate to an airport with 1 runway per week would be 336. 


Why have independent restrictions for all airlines?


Any more questions needed?


Passenger movement at connecting airports should also be limited, unless we are willing to accept that thousands (or millions) of passengers can disembark an aircraft, run through the terminal, which is many times past full capacity, due to the spam-like nature of some airlines, and board their connecting flight, without completely destroying the airport in a massive stampede that never ceases due to the constant flights.


Of course, 336 flight cycles/week is more than enough for most airlines, it would at least somewhat restrict the most extreme spamlines from earning a boatload of money from 30 mile hops. This is where the next set of restrictions would come in:


Maintenance rates grow exponentially with use


Let's all face it: an aircraft that flies for 19 hours in a 20 hour day would break down incredibly quickly. The maintenance costs of an aircraft should be based both on aircraft age but also aircraft usage. An airline that operates planes for 10 hours a day would be rewarded with lower maintenance costs than the airline that runs its planes for 19.98 hours a day.


The number of mechanics an airline has should also affect maintenance costs, but this should be generally conservative except for 2 cases:

-Aircraft are running over 18 hours a day 

-Mechanic reserves are under 10%


Simply put, a mechanic cannot service hundreds of aircraft a day. And yes I know that mechanic numbers rise as your airline gets larger, but we have to be somewhat realistic here.


#268478 Inflated Spamlining by Artificial Demand [ISAD] | Declaration of Rights and G...

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 20 May 2018 - 11:12 PM in General AE Discussion

Check our trophies. We have won multiple rounds in limited-airline worlds. 


We have also won multiple rounds prior to adopting ISAD strategy, relying on the green pax strategy dubbed "realistic" here. 

We find the "realistic" strategy more boring and repetitive than the ISAD strategy. Winning basically involves avoiding megaroutes and concentrating initially on shorter routes with higher price-per-mile-flown. It was as easy to win with that strategy as with my current ISAD strategy. 

Most of us players here play by mostly realistic ways. You and your "empire" represent the "barbaric scum" that is trying to overthrow the entire community into chaos. If you find this game boring to play without exploits, please find another game to play. I doubt that you would be anything if airports have hard traffic limits restricting aircraft movements anyway.

#268476 All Time AE records?

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 20 May 2018 - 08:57 PM in General AE Discussion

I looked much better before they knocked the good parts off my statue. 

Statues can't run empires. You lied to us.

#268471 What is going on here

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 20 May 2018 - 07:18 PM in General AE Discussion

Why in god's name does my profile have over 20K views? Am I being botted or something?

#268463 (S4B) Fuzion Air shared control

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 20 May 2018 - 05:29 PM in Airline Takeover / Shared Control Requests

I am also somewhat interested, but I am running an airline in the same world as you and I'm running to very similar airports.

#268462 is sandbox an infinite money world

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 20 May 2018 - 05:24 PM in New Players and Questions

oh, and its not infinite money

#268461 All Time AE records?

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 20 May 2018 - 05:23 PM in General AE Discussion

I think this self-proclaimed emperor is actually a trumpet player.


et tu?

#268459 is sandbox an infinite money world

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 20 May 2018 - 05:13 PM in New Players and Questions

Its got

-faster days

-much higher starting loan

-newer players (like me)

-shorter world time

-planes get flooded to the used aircraft market

#267070 This might be worse than $1 spamlining:

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 10 April 2018 - 10:53 PM in New Players and Questions

Last one out, get the lights.

#265227 B737: 800 vs 900 |

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 04 March 2018 - 02:56 PM in New Players and Questions

It appears that the 737-900 was certified to carry the same amount of passengers as the 737-900. I recommend just waiting until the -900ER comes out or go airbus.


Posted by mastacheifa118 on 25 February 2018 - 11:00 PM in General AE Discussion

I just want to know why your F-18 has solid rocket boosters on a second stage.

#264751 A gap between sandbox worlds and realistic worlds

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 24 February 2018 - 11:50 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

7-10 minute days, 1960-2030? Starting cash $35 million, and new aircraft are on the used aircraft market 8-24 months after first production?

#264654 What’s the perfect IFS?

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 23 February 2018 - 01:44 AM in New Players and Questions

I use a free 5-star IFE that loses money for my airline with a scam IFS that earns money for my airline, and the IFS earns more than the IFE does but still maintains a relatively high IFS reputation.

#264652 Best Legroom?

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 23 February 2018 - 01:43 AM in New Players and Questions

1 economy seat, A380, 239 feet of legroom! Huzzah!

#264643 Best On-Time Performance?

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 22 February 2018 - 11:14 PM in New Players and Questions

I stop operating my planes when they have 20 or less hours remaining and the on-time performance is about halfway.

#264629 Is higher fuel flow better?

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 22 February 2018 - 09:54 PM in New Players and Questions

Lower fuel flow also gives you more range 9 times out of 10, depends on if you are going to use the plane for shorter routes or longer routes.

#264502 What is your favorite aircraft in the game?

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 21 February 2018 - 12:04 AM in General AE Discussion

Mine is clearly the Boeing 757-200/-300, with a generous max range and capacity while still being small enough to operate to smaller airports, and being cheaper than widebodies and some narrowbodies. Nothing really comes close to replacing it until the 737-900ER or the A321NEO, both of which lack the capacity of the 757.

#264407 What is the real reason for a terminal apart from lower gate fees and extra g...

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 19 February 2018 - 11:40 PM in New Players and Questions

Just like what the title says.

#264405 What is a good profit-to-value ratio?

Posted by mastacheifa118 on 19 February 2018 - 11:36 PM in New Players and Questions

Yeah, sorry for bad wording. 3% profit margin sounds good for late-game, but the profit margin slowly fall once you start getting into late-game? I'm just starting out, and my monthly profit margin is at 31.9% right now, which kind of freaks me out.