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Hainan Air

Hainan Air

Member Since 21 Sep 2016
Offline Last Active Jan 14 2017 05:02 AM

[ACCEPTED] Application | Hainan Air

27 December 2016 - 11:37 PM

Name: Hainan Air


Date joined AE: Sep 21st 2k16
Example airline (if applicable): Fanglin Air (Game world ended) was a UK based airline with a massive long-haul route to over 400 destinations worldwide. I focused less on regional transport, but some of my earlier US based airlines have had expansive low demand route networks.
How often do you use AE?: Daily at the moment, (sometimes I miss a few days.) I also usually don't play on vacations.
AE Galleries or Press Release blogs: None so far :)
Why National ? Tell us what you hope to achieve by joining the alliance: This has been my first invite for an alliance, which has for some reason been pretty flattering, but I feel like the sense of community within AE will greatly boost it's level of entertainment. 
Current/Previous other Alliances: Nada 
Comments/Questions: I'm pretty knowledgeable with geography and aviation history, I fly in X-plane 11 and Infinite Flight, I know a ton of scheduling tricks with my geography knowledge, and know where the route jackpots are :)

Political Restrictions Confusion

16 December 2016 - 01:16 AM

So, I have an airline based at Heathrow, and I have bases in the other larger UK airports. I just opened up a base in Madrid even though it's not in my home country like it says it has to be. 

This got me confused...


Then I noticed that I couldn't fly anywhere but the UK from Madrid. 

Even more confused


Then this is the part that really got me:

I then opened up a base in Rome, and found out I was able to fly between Rome and Madrid. I also found out I could fly between Rome and Frankfurt (Which is not one of my hubs)...   What????


I leased 5 gates in Beijing, and found out that I COULDN'T open a hub in Beijing, although I did everything the same way as Madrid and Rome I also figured out that I couldn't fly from Rome to Beijing.


I currently have no Idea what the exact perameters for hubs in outside countries. An opposing airline I saw has many bases situated All over Europe, although it's a Spanish airline. 


My only theory is that the EU counts as "One country" when it comes to hubs, but you can only fly within the EU outside of your home country. 


Am I even close? Let me know!



15 December 2016 - 07:54 PM

Anyone a CS:GO player? 


I'm an DMG with some crazy skins:

BS AWP | Medusa (Float 0.57)

FN Butterfly knife | Slaughter

MW Stattrak AK-47 | Wasteland Rebel

FN Stattrak M4A1-S | Golden Coil


Let me know what you've got!

Airline Incidences

04 December 2016 - 12:54 AM

The jist of this idea, is basically a lottery for specific flights, which once in a while chooses one lucky aircraft, and "crashes" it. 


This incident could be on one of many "incident levels" Including but not limited to:

- crew/passenger health diversion

- environmental issue (storms, turbulence, birds...)

- Ground collision

- Fire

- Mid-air non fatal incidents (engine fire, Hull puncture, systems failure...)

- And of corse:  Complete Hull loss



The lottery would be based off of many factors, including:

-aircraft age

-aircraft hours (or landings/takeoffs)

-aircraft maintenance

-employee "happiness levels"


Basically, if your aircraft or airline is less favorable in these categories, then the percentage that your airline is chosen is larger than others. 


And the developers could add all sorts of stupid or silly incident reasons to the game. 


I suggest this only for realistic worlds, because of the world "realistic"....


Anyway, this is just an idea to spice up the games a bit.

2-leg flights (or more!)

04 December 2016 - 12:38 AM

By 2-leged fights, I mean a flight where the destination is too far away to fly direct with the fleet option's operational range. I don't understand why it isn't in the game already because there were many famous connecting journeys within the time frame of Airline Empires worlds. One example is the infamous "Kangaroo Route" which Qantas flew in it's early Lockheed Constellation. This route included 10 or more stops between Sydney and London. 


In airline empires, the only way you can properly make it, is with either an a340-500 or a 777-200LR (I haven't tested the a340 yet), and until then you can't fly it! 


Basically this means that you can have refueling/rest to cut of a long journey into fly-able bits that your specific aircraft can endure.


Anyway, this would be extremely useful and realistic in Airline Empires in my opinion. 


What do you all think?