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Member Since 30 May 2015
Offline Last Active Jan 27 2017 02:00 PM

In Topic: More information on fuel usage and fuel costs

29 February 2016 - 03:09 PM

I had questioned this on another topic, but since nobody else knew, I thought I'd go and try to find a pattern. Below I have 2 planes for each route and some of their data and the fuel cost observed for each. I noticed that when I divided the Fuel Cost/fuel flow, I got close numbers, but just not it. So, when I divided it by both Fuel Flow and the route time, I kept getting numbers close to 0,533 (tested it on A340 and 747 long routes too). So, I think the formula to calculate the Fuel Costs would be: FC = 0,533 * FF * Route Time. So, the Fuel Flow's units would be mass/hour or volume/hour, the 0,533 would be dollars/mass or dollars/volume. Any thoughts?


In Topic: Question with leasing delievery

10 June 2015 - 01:40 AM
