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Captain aj

Captain aj

Member Since 19 Feb 2015
Offline Last Active Jun 03 2023 10:21 AM

Old Aircraft (sell or scrap)

24 June 2017 - 04:05 PM

Ok I have a few Old Aircraft (A320) that I dont use anymore. What im asking is should I either Sell it or Scrap it. The aircraft's value is about $26M and the market value is $24M. But if I scrap it for parts, I will only get about $4M.


So what do you think. Should I Sell it or Scrap it and sell it parts ? If I scrap it, what's the Profit for me?

Jordhies Avation (R5) NEED HELP

27 May 2017 - 11:00 AM

well this airline is based in indonesia and has been operating for 8 years, but suddenly in 1997 somehow this airline starting to bankrupt and what im couriousing is i've pay all of my dept (and lease) but suddenly its write that my plane are taken. I havent play this airline for a while after this day i realized this aircraft are starting to bankrupt. So anyone want to take control of this airline ? Because i might cant play for a while.


Planes : 14 (5 gone)

Destination : 19 (before my plane are taken)

Money : +$16.000.000 ($40.000.000 of debt)

DOP : $1.600.000

Rep : 58%


If you want to manage this airline please write 


How long have you been playing this game :

Why do you want to manage this dying airline :