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Member Since 20 Dec 2010
Offline Last Active Private

SouthWest Share Offer

10 November 2013 - 09:31 PM

Hello I am looking for someone to help me build a dream airline legacy! We are a small carrier now with 22 planes and about 80 on order. If you would like to co share it leave me your number so I can let you help run a legacy airline.

Better deals

01 April 2013 - 02:59 PM

Maybe if you mass bought a ton of 737-800. Like about 50 or up you could get a better deal because you are mass buying. You could maybe get a better deal too if you only buy one persons airplane such as Boeing (SouthWest) This is just an idea that I thought of so post your thinkings on this.

Offer to share RoAir

09 March 2013 - 03:28 PM

RoAir has over 200 planes waiting to be delivered for your fun if making routes and running a big airline. We have 11 Billion right now.