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Member Since 17 Oct 2014
Offline Last Active Apr 13 2024 07:05 AM

In Topic: I Tried Spamlining but it didn't work as the forum suggests

21 June 2023 - 03:45 PM

What was your daily pax level? In my opinion, while you can start to feel the effects with just a few hundred thousand, you really need > 1m daily pax. Also only 4 hubs aint much. Try 40. Hub EVERY airport you fly to/from. I general only focus on green pax at standard capacities & prices till I get to this sort of level. Then I go nuts. It takes a lot of planes & a lot of time. Good luck.


The formula is simple:


Connecting pax per day between hubs = 0.002 * Total pax per day in+out of hubs


So if you have 50,000,000 passengers flying into an airport but it's not a hub, you get precisely 0 connecting passengers from that.


However, connecting passengers at one airport magically teleport to other airports. So 50,000,000 passengers per day out of a hub means you can get 100,000 connections out of ANY OTHER HUB, regardless of whether or not the two hubs are connected with a flight.


My daily passenger count is 370,000. I'm also operating the airline from Syria.. I cannot establish more hubs as you would in China or USA, I guess that's the problem then.

Thanks for your answers :)