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Member Since 09 Aug 2014
Offline Last Active Yesterday, 11:04 PM

Market share pie chart on Airport page

12 July 2024 - 09:18 AM

Why is this feature out?

Airport market share pie chart

06 July 2024 - 03:43 PM

I am back after some time and found that on the Airport page are missing Market share information and pie chart.


Is it a momentary error or a permanent?



Valuation - new game R1

17 November 2023 - 05:03 PM

The R1 world, February 15, 1955


My company operates 2 planes, DC-6 and DC-7, with 8 others are ordered.

There is company flying with only single DC-7, daily pax 1157

I transport 914 pax per day.


My company valuation is $1,138,159 vs. $20,790,059 for the other!


20x more in single month.... What is it all about?

Competition - market share

15 November 2023 - 11:43 AM

Two competitors, two HUBs, the same prices in both C and Y.


I operate 27x weekly vs 21x weekly

Daily O/W Seats: 69 C 517 vs 36 C 348 Y

Route Reputation: 77 vs 71

IFS Reputation: 86 vs 80

From my HUB I offer connetion to more than 500 (!) destinations vs 41 destinations by my competitor.

My overal reputation is 92, his 68


But even all that, I share only 26% in C and 49% in Y of total 638 pax.


Any explanation? Thanx....





EU routes

31 October 2023 - 02:55 PM

How is it possible that an AMS based company flies ATH-BHX or ARN-WAW?

Is it because S1-world allows it and, for example, R3 does not?