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Member Since 30 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Apr 16 2024 08:41 PM

In Topic: Why no one using the 757-300

28 October 2023 - 02:52 AM

Because the A310-300 exists. It's a 757-300ER.

Little Problem, if you are expanding you won´t be that dumb to order the the A310-meh, but rather order it´s bigger, more beautiful and more fuel efficient per seat brother the A300-600R, although the 753 may have 1000 miles less range but it is 20% (without WL) more fuel efficient than a A310 plus this 1000 miles gap can be plugged any time with the Kitchen Gun of widebodies, the 767-300ER.

And when we speak of the 757 than I highly recommend to order the -200M instead of the -200 because deliveries happens every 2 weeks instead of three which in the game year of 40 weeks means 20 757-200M against 13 1/3 757-200 and tbh range is just overestimated, it´s efficiency that is all above else.

In Topic: Best aircraft for trunk routes

12 October 2023 - 09:39 PM

Just order 767-300ER, it´s flexible as hell, has ideal capacity, fuel efficent so it´s ideal for such routed .

Otherwise if you want to keep frequencies  "low" you can order A330 or if you don´t have the cash yet the A340-300, just look what asian airlines are doing.

In Topic: Why no one using the 757-300

12 October 2023 - 09:35 PM

For the same reasons why it wasn´t very sucessfull in real life because it´s quite a niche aircraft designed for european charter routes while in most cases it´s better to keep the Boeing 767-200 around until the 787 arrives due to deprecation and flexibility which the 753 lacks.

In Topic: demand fluctuations?

08 October 2023 - 10:47 PM

About what timeframe and type of routes we´re talking about.
If it´s mere months or one year it could be relatively well be just fluctuations, jumps due to sudden uptakes of real life supply or just a gap that "closes" suddenly.
If routes that aren´t flown in real life (at least in this form you want to since stopovers aren´t existing here) therefore using old formula we´re talking about then it will be a classic mechanic that gradually increase demand over the time to model increases of general air travel.

Marketing doesn´t influence the demand routes in general it will only influence your reputation and that together with the Hub bonus just influences your ability to fill aircrafts over the mark that would be possible under normal circumstances based on basic demand and competition and their ticket prices (which also could generate "extraordinary demand" if low enough and is a base component in spamlining).

In Topic: O1 extended to 2025 or 2030

07 October 2023 - 05:26 PM

We could also making the runtimes of each back to 40 years again as it was 9 years ago and clock them in way that resets are better distrubuted.