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Member Since 29 Dec 2022
Offline Last Active Jan 02 2024 12:25 PM

Issues I've Posted

    PTY Market Share

    Posted 21 Apr 2023

    In R7, it says my airline, Aeroquetzal has 98% of the market share, Northwest Orient has 1%, but Flash NZ has 0%? I saw airlines with 0% market share when they try to fly routes with no demand, but I researched the route and they're not spamlining. Aren't they supposed to have 1% of the market share?

    R3 is one month ahead of actual date

    Posted 31 Mar 2023

    I have an airline in both S3B and R3, and I noticed that while S3B's date was in March, R3's date was also in March even though they started at the same time and S3B is actually faster than R3. I checked and even though it says March on the My Airlines tab, it says February if you go inside

    Money After Building Terminal

    Posted 5 Jan 2023

    So I recently built a terminal in MEX and CUN, which cost about 109 million. It shows on the Airline Finance page, but on the Rankings page, it still shows my money as if I never built the terminal. On the Rankings it says I have $1,385,253,385, but on the top bar it says I have $1,275,880,588. The terminals still took my money, it just didn't show up on the Rankings page for some reason.