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Member Since 06 Aug 2022
Offline Last Active Apr 25 2024 10:47 PM

Website Loading/Function Issues

02 February 2023 - 04:33 AM

All of today (2/1/23) and a bit of yesterday (1/31/23) me and some friends from different parts of NA have had constant trouble even loading this site. At one point this afternoon, there were 404 errors, a Google url error saying "This website refuses to load", and even a site IP error. We have attempted to load the site on PC, laptop, and mobile devices, on and off wifi, and have had the same issues. A few hours ago, I was able to load the site, but could not click anything without a random file auto downloading onto my computer with the error message typed out in jargon. All loading times and refreshes take up to 90 secs, and I cannot access any worlds, but most of the site loads fine. 

My wifi speeds are normal, I have restarted my PC, etc.

Is anyone else having this issue or know how to remedy it?