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Member Since 24 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 16 2015 08:36 AM

In Topic: Air Traffic Controller job disscussion

21 September 2014 - 11:03 AM

Eating good breakfast and goodnight sleep is a common sense....

Anyway you would be working around 90 to 120 minutes depending on what the airport decided, and then you would have 30 to 60 minutes break after each sessions, is it informative enough now?


Yes better [and I already knew ;) ]

In Topic: Air Traffic Controller job disscussion

20 September 2014 - 07:50 AM

*using Wikihow to learn how to become an ATC*




Well a real life ATC recommended it too me, don't know if it's any good.... and again if you don't have anything helpful than just keep it to yourself....



Hey, I'm just trying to help here, it's serious [...]


I'm talking about real tips on BECOMING a ATC not something obvious like that.....you can also say that you must eat a good breakfast, have a good nights sleep and etc........

In Topic: Air Traffic Controller job disscussion

19 September 2014 - 04:47 PM

Don't fall asleep


Wow.....I didn't think of that - you changed my life [sarcasm]. Please don't spam useless tips any more.... 


And don't panic even if you saw plane blow up on the runway, basically you have to be robot to be able to work on the tower. Other than that, your not gonna get the job.


Again such great advice [NOT]......


Wow what an interesting choice. I'm currently studying 1st year at ATNS  ( air traffic and navigational services ) through Airports company South Africa. It is a very difficult course with lots of students leaving because of it. You have to be very focused and this has to be your ultimate goal because your going to have to work very hard to get there. We study long and weird hours but the reward so far has been great. We observed at O.R Tambo Johannesburg Airport Control Tower for a week to see what it was really like. Its Exciting!. From next year onwards I will be doing simulator training as well and also 3rd year you can train if you do well enough at the control tower itself as a trainee controller. Cant Wait! anyways if I were you I would make sure that my Math's skills and English skills are up there with the best of them, Especially math's, everything and anything in the Air traffic controller course is math's related somehow. Also you have to be calm, collected person who can work very well under extreme stress and will not be freaked out by emergencies ( Crashes ) ,  also you have to have no criminal record and have to be medically fit. I Have family who do this job and they tell me that even though they work long hours it is their passion and would not want any other job on earth. so If that is what you really want to do just like me. I would say go for it, nothing but your own attitude towards it will stop you from achieving to become a Air Traffic Controller. Apply everywhere and goodluck


Thanks for the advice and good luck to you too ;)

In Topic: Air Traffic Controller job disscussion

19 September 2014 - 04:46 PM

Don't fall asleep


Wow.....I didn't think of that - you changed my life [sarcasm]. Please don't spam useless tips any more.... 


And don't panic even if you saw plane blow up on the runway, basically you have to be robot to be able to work on the tower. Other than that, your not gonna get the job.


Again such great advice [NOT]......

In Topic: World startup times/dates

18 September 2014 - 03:58 PM

You can find this information in the reset announcement posted in the announcements section of the forums for S1 it's here http://www.airline-e...terminal-limit/ and the game will start Saturday at 04:00 UTC


Yea thanks just noticed it in the recently posted ;)