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Member Since 27 Apr 2020
Offline Last Active May 07 2023 08:49 PM

Airline liveries

29 April 2020 - 08:06 PM



I'm a new player and I've been trying to make up and down of this game. I recently found the gallery section with a bunch of really cool livery designs! I tried to make my own for my airline in the R0 world. 


It ended up being absolutely hideous and I stole a picture off google images instead. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions of some good freeware that I could use to create airline liveries.


Thanks a lot!

Shared Airline Ownership

27 April 2020 - 11:06 PM



I have found that in order to offer shared controll to another player I need to get their ID number, how do I find this, i tried looking at profile but maybe I'm being dumb.


Thanks a lot for any help!