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Alpha Waffle

Alpha Waffle

Member Since 22 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Yesterday, 09:41 PM

In Topic: Bug in O1

17 July 2024 - 11:04 PM

How many idle aircraft do you have? How many total aircraft?


I find that in the late game when my fleet is quite large, and I have lots of idle aircraft, I cannot add flights. In fact, I cannot sell aircraft or even view the used market. I have noted this issue in the bug tracker, but with no reply from the developers. It is almost certainly a server resources issue.


I would be happy to pay for better server space if there was some way to do so. I want this game to stay alive, and the quality does seem to be slowly decreasing.

In Topic: Suspicious group of accounts in S1

11 June 2024 - 02:09 PM

...Yeah.... dusting them...


I totally do that... Yes...



In Topic: Suspicious group of accounts in S1

10 June 2024 - 01:04 PM

Here you go.

In Topic: Suspicious group of accounts in S1

09 June 2024 - 08:19 PM

I wasn't aware that having an absurdly massive fleet was against the rules. My apologies, I'll go ahead and close my account once you point out where exactly on the rules page it says I'm doing something forbidden.


For the record, I "whinge" when people very clearly abuse game rule #2, which I'm sure you, as well-versed in the rules as you are, have read before:


2. Multiple airlines owned by the same player in a world cannot be used to give an unfair advantage to each other (selling aircraft to each other to get around delivery slot limits, flooding routes together to gain market share, etc).

In Topic: Suspicious group of accounts in S1

07 June 2024 - 01:37 PM

There was a similar instance a while back where a player made two airlines and was using one of them to feed aircraft to the other. The feeder airline would take delivery of an aircraft and immediately sell it; the parent airline would purchase it. Very much against the rules.