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Member Since 25 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Feb 07 2015 03:29 AM

Bond Pay-in-full

17 January 2015 - 12:39 AM

It would be great to have a button allowing a user to pay a bond out in full rather than having it there for years paying an annoyingly small amount. I couldn't see it being difficult to implement as it would work the same as the pay-out-lease option for aircraft. 

Gates, Gates, Gates

21 August 2014 - 02:39 AM

Hi everyone,


Please excuse me if this is not the right forum but I wanted to bring this up. The gate system seems to be a little off for the realistic worlds and makes it impossible to grow your airline after about 3/4 years into the game. Trying to find cities to fly to is almost impossible, the best example is South America when the top 20 airports are all out of gates. I don't know the solution, the simple one seems to up the amount of gates but then that gets rid of the realism. The alternative is you have a tonne of airlines (like me) building terminals everywhere they want to fly which makes the game tedious at best. 


Everything else gets a thumbs up but this area is bumming me out. 

