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Jimmy V

Jimmy V

Member Since 02 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Sep 27 2012 09:43 PM

Flight Crew Salaries on small Planes

14 September 2012 - 03:07 PM

Is there something I'm missing or there is a problem with the flight crew salaries for small planes ? Using a Q400, an il 114-100 and an A319 on the same route (388 miles) I have to pay $440, $380, $300 for flight crew salaries, so the smaller the plane higher the salary ? :huh:. If someone could give me a clue? Thanks

Seats/Price calculation needs a new script

13 September 2012 - 11:22 AM

It is already mentioned by other guys but I also want to give a specific example showing why the seats/price calculation needs a new script since this one is faulty defined. Lets say that a route has a 9 pax FC demand (I refer to FC because of lower numbers the problem is more evident) and I offer 7 seats. Now if someone else comes and offers 11 seats with the same price exactly we will loose almost 50% each (unfortunately because IFS and total reputation has almost none impact but that is an other known issue) and so far so good. The problem is that if I want to lower the price so I will reach a LF of 100% it is not sufficient to lower the price by just one $ (since I have lower than demand offer) but the whole calculation system behaves as if I want to load another 3,5 seats out of 19 which means I have to lower much more my price than I should have to. In other words the script does not take in consideration what percentage of seats each player offers but calculates the seats as a unique lot. The problem is that when you have to compete with guys who believe this is a war game and do kamikazee actions like put 35 seats in 5 pax FC demand don't ruin only themselves but also,by miscalculation, anyone else in the route and you have to follow their stupid game. I hope it is clear what the problem is, thanks

Load Factors Representation

03 August 2012 - 03:35 PM

First of all I hope that what I will suggest is something not been proposed before. I think my proposal could save much micromanagement time especially when someone owns a big airline with many hubs.So I suggest to replace the numerical appearance of the load factors in the route network section with the graphical appearance (bars) already existed in the route management. Doing this a changes like a 100% load factor of direct pax to a 100% load factor of 30% direct and 70% indirect could be easily identified. In other words no more route by route or by plane inspection. I know that it is not a...revolutionary change for the game but I believe that it is easy to be done and could help a lot all guys with not much spare time to spent with the game. Thank you.

Alliance behavior

08 April 2012 - 12:43 PM

Just a small clarification about joining an alliance. An alliance member receives only the benefits from his alliance member status by the game or there are also some rules, maybe unwritten rules, where for example two alliance members cannot fly in the same route?

Human Resources

03 April 2012 - 03:23 PM

Unfortunately I didn't find anything relative on forum or wiki: Could someone explain me how is it possible I need 20 pilots and 83 flight attendants for one B737? 10 crews is way too high and there is no proportion between them (my plane should have 2 pilots and at least 8 flight attendants(!) each shift). Thank you.