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Is the game development still ongoing?

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I've played AE since 2012, 13 years later almost no much differences, except airport and airplane additions, and increased demands. Even now the route map is not working. I wonder if the development of AE 4.0 (or AE 3.2) still ongoing, or the game actually now on "autopilot" mode?

"Managing a real world airline is not as easy as you play Airline Empires. Real world airline are more and much more complicated"



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Same here. There are certainly some things you could do to spice it up. Freight, refueling stop-overs, pre-buying your fuel at fluctuating prices (this was an interesting feature of Facebook's "Airline Manager" game), weather events, even disgruntled staff going on strike.


But on the bright side, it's free. And while it might be simple & repetitive, it's kept us addictively entertained for over a decade.



    The World Serpent™

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It's really tragic. I used to spend so much time here back around 2015 when people still believed in AE 4, and most worlds would fill up within a week or so. Now every time I log back on it's as disappointing to see nothing's changed. And it's such a shame because the groundwork for a fantastic game is there, it's just fallen into negligence. Even somewhat simple additions like seat map configs to manage legroom better would make a huge difference in terms of realism. It doesn't need a huge rework, just some updating to make it more enjoyable and realistic.



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I find it somewhat fascinating that the game worlds, at least some of them, still fill up close to full. Obviously they aren't as busy as they once were, but there's still a really active player base for a not so actively developed game. I hope that AE stays up for many more years and decades to come, but I worry that we are probably in the last few cycles of its life now. Main components are starting to break down on the website. We did get a new game world alongside updated demand calculations 4 or so years ago, so that's something. I really enjoy AE and have found myself coming back every so often for a long time now, and don't expect this to be my last time here.


EDIT: I did a little research and it seems like there is actually some active development ongoing to this day. I never knew! That's a bit relieving to know. I really hope AE keeps working for a while. I'm just now getting the hang of the realistic worlds!



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I find it somewhat fascinating that the game worlds, at least some of them, still fill up close to full. Obviously they aren't as busy as they once were, but there's still a really active player base for a not so actively developed game. I hope that AE stays up for many more years and decades to come, but I worry that we are probably in the last few cycles of its life now. Main components are starting to break down on the website. We did get a new game world alongside updated demand calculations 4 or so years ago, so that's something. I really enjoy AE and have found myself coming back every so often for a long time now, and don't expect this to be my last time here.


EDIT: I did a little research and it seems like there is actually some active development ongoing to this day. I never knew! That's a bit relieving to know. I really hope AE keeps working for a while. I'm just now getting the hang of the realistic worlds!

What's the active development?



    Airline Empires Fan

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What's the active development?

If I understand correctly, I believe new planes/airports get added to the game every so often, and there is someone whose account I have lost actively checking for new aircraft and airport requests to add. Along with some bug fixes, I think. It would be really nice if they would fix the broken airport market share graphs, if they're reading this.




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I think there is some development ongoing (it looks like the homepage was fixed recently) but as nobody is working full-time on AE, it makes sense that we go years between major updates. But there are also minor updates like new airplanes which are more common.



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