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Suspicious group of accounts in S1

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    AE Player

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I've noticed that there's a group of accounts all starting with the word gamma in S1 that created airlines one after the other in Asia. Where do I officially report this? It seems like an unfair strategy.



    AE Know It All

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Please send me a DM. 

Alpha Waffle

Alpha Waffle

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There was a similar instance a while back where a player made two airlines and was using one of them to feed aircraft to the other. The feeder airline would take delivery of an aircraft and immediately sell it; the parent airline would purchase it. Very much against the rules.



    AE Know It All

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This has been taken care of. I will work with team to deal with the removal of the airlines. 



    Just don't mess with me

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Love how a player with a fleet of 41,000 aircraft likes to whinge about other players.

Alpha Waffle

Alpha Waffle

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I wasn't aware that having an absurdly massive fleet was against the rules. My apologies, I'll go ahead and close my account once you point out where exactly on the rules page it says I'm doing something forbidden.


For the record, I "whinge" when people very clearly abuse game rule #2, which I'm sure you, as well-versed in the rules as you are, have read before:


2. Multiple airlines owned by the same player in a world cannot be used to give an unfair advantage to each other (selling aircraft to each other to get around delivery slot limits, flooding routes together to gain market share, etc).



    Just don't mess with me

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All good dude, never said it was against the rules. I'm a hub spammer when I'm in the mood (haven't been much lately), which is also not against the rules. But both strategies are an "advantage" nonetheless. And the definition of what is an "unfair" advantage could be debateable, to include both "absurdly massive" fleets & likewise absurdly massive capacity on routes. Other players whinge about both of us. The fact is, short of actually hacking the software, any gameplay that any player can do, can also be done by anyone else. Including a feeder-airline strategy. So how can any strategy, most of which are commonly known & discussed, be "unfair"?


What I find "unfair" are things like other players having way more time on their hands than me! Or players who just dominate with the same airline in the same gameworld, every round, & just treat each new round as a challenge to beat their personal best set in the previous round! There's a guy in the Open Worlds who does this every time.I mean, it's like, "Come on, give someone else a go at winning it!" I've "whinged" about this before on the forumms & no one seems to care.


The problem with rule #2 is that it's technically invalid. A player with two airlines can't actually sell aircraft "to each other". You can only sell them to the market which anybody else can happen across at any moment. And the aircraft that you sell don't always turn up in the market immediately, the next game day, or sometimes even for several game days. So while there might be a certain element of insider knowledge, to know when these planes are potentially going to hit the market, it's by no means a guarranteed strategy.


Anyway, tell me about your microphone collection....

Alpha Waffle

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Here you go.

Attached Files



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Why? Are you an audio engineer? Must be a pain dusting all those.

Alpha Waffle

Alpha Waffle

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...Yeah.... dusting them...


I totally do that... Yes...





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