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Everyone hates me :(
Dec 16 2017 04:20 AM
  • WAZZ's Photo
    I think there's plenty enough reason for that.
    Multiple individuals (including you, although you have calmed down over the past few weeks) have turned the forums into a back and forth on who is or is not a child. It's a battlefield of labeling and bashing, and somehow everyone who isn't over 18 is assumed to be immature for no reason other than you and Candy were immature. I hate it more than most others do for personal reasons. This was one of very few places (probably less...
    Dec 16 2017 05:03 AM
  • Marb1's Photo
    By the way, I am trying to improve.
    Dec 18 2017 09:25 AM
  • Marb1's Photo
    I'm taking an AE break too, but for a different reason (holiday), and it will be from the whole website. And as for the who is a child thing, I admit I am a child in SOME ways but NOT others! Why can't everyone agree?
    Dec 18 2017 09:26 AM