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Aeroazteca 787 9 Dia De Los Muertos Special

Aeroazteca 787 9 Dia De Los Muertos Special

Happy November 1st and Feliz Día de Los Muertos. This Mexican celebration of the lives and passing of ancestors and relatives happens in Mexico every November 1st and is well explained and depicted in Disney's Coco.

This festival has its roots in Aztec culture, as the Aztecs celebrated something very similar, including the colors of the prayer flags and the importance of marigolds. The story behind the day is that on this day the veil between the worlds of the living and dead is thinnest, where a bridge opens for the dead to rejoin the living. However, in order to gain passage across the bridge that ancestor must have their picture displayed and their stories still told. Without this these people have died again and can never join the hearts of the living. For those fortunate enough to cross, they will be led home by a trail of marigold petals. The rich gold color symbolizes the brevity of life and serve to maintain the presence of the dead in the realm of the living. Then it is a night of celebration and remembrance, sharing stories of relatives long gone but never forgotten.

I also want to advertise the North American Design Competition, as that is still ongoing and accepting submissions. You can see this year's competition here. I am one of the judging officials and cannot compete, but this leaves an opening in Mexico for anyone else to fill. Hopefully this brand can serve as some inspiration for anyone looking to compete!

    Extremely beautiful... great job

    It is Día de Muertos in mexico.



    It is Día de Muertos in mexico.



    I've heard it both ways so I just wanted to be formal

    Honestly looks incredible, great job!


    I love this