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GoAfrica! - Boeing 737-300

GoAfrica! - Boeing 737-300

GoAfrica! is a member of the Go! Alliance. Other members include GoBrazil!, GoFrance!, GoMexico!, GoChina!, and GoAustralia!

    What is with all this "Go[Insert country/continent]!" stuff?


    Getting better, but it doesn't look complete. Try adding more details. Those that represent Africa would be the best for an airline like this.


    Also the G in Go is too small, especially next to that O.

    What is with all this "Go[Insert country/continent]!" stuff?


    Getting better, but it doesn't look complete. Try adding more details. Those that represent Africa would be the best for an airline like this.


    Also the G in Go is too small, especially next to that O.

    Hes made a bunch of airlines in Rdelta with this horribly cheesy name :/

    I thought you got IP banned

    I thought you got IP banned


    It's a forum ban, doesn't include the whole site.