I've been playing Airline Empires on and off for about 2 years now and found something out about one year ago that i have seen no-one mention on the forums. I found out that demand always comes in a 1F-6C- 43Y configuration or a multiplication of this configuration. As a result, all my airplanes are always configured in this configuration or thus a multiplication. This way, my airplanes can always fill the demand completely without over- or underfilling the demand.
It's okay to over-fill demand (to a point, then diminishing returns increase exponentially). Your ratio is good for pure green pax, but, as mentioned above, you can exceed C and Y actual demand by a decent percentage. I would always work on meeting and never exceeding F demand, except when there is a very large F demand. A little bit of blue pax is perfectly fine.
There is a thread somewhere that talks about the ratio. I think it's from 2-3 years ago. I figured out the ratio about 5 years ago.
by the way...
It always struck me how few people noticed this. I often see players with far too much F/C demand and wonder whether they're manually adjusting their premium prices downwards to adjust for their miscalculation. If so, how did they never just try adjusting their cabin mix until they reach the proper configuration?
It boggles the mind. This airline uses a head-scratching 1:4:5 ratio, and always does 14-28 frequencies on any small demand route (2-4F). That means the player is exceeding F demand by upwards of 46 seats. The player also uses default pricing, and I have no idea how he could possibly have anywhere close to 100% LF in F or C, or even make any kind of profit in F or C on those routes.
The airline's DOP is only around 70M. If the planes were configured properly, the DOP could be 2-3x that.