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More airline interaction.

- - - - - AE 4.0

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I have a few ideas on how to get more involved in your airline.

More than one livery picture, so a gallery or a slideshow to display the airline livery, rather than the 1 static image.

Aircaft registrations, and possibly aircraft names?

Assigning a base to aircraft.

Aircraft cycles, which in turn affect maintenance and resale values.

Airline subsiduries, express, cargo etc etc. Assigning aircraft to these subsiduries and for that to show under the airline info page.

If these have been suggested before then please ignore me.





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For the first two, +1


The third need not be there, since it is pretty much there.


The fourth is also there with the frequency and maintenance. (I might be wrong with this one)


The cargo part has been suggested before and may or may not be part of AE4.


As for express and subsidaries? Well, there is a reason why some worlds allow multiple airlines.




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I love nr. 3.



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RE: Cycles i meant visible cycles, just on the aircraft info page. Maybe even have the C and D checks visible too so you know X amount of million has to be spent on that aircraft as soon as it hits x amount of cycles.

And when i mean assign an aircraft to a base in terms of again a visible list on the fleet page so you can pull up all the aircraft based at your JFK hub etc.

With subsiduriea tie them together as one unit, rather than 2 seperate airlines.

For the ailine info you could have the logos of each subsodury, main, express, low cost etc laid out like the side of the alliance page.

I like to have different parts of my airline and at the moment the only way to do that is start up an entirely new airline that isnt linked in any way.

This wouldnt mean you could open a subsidury the other side of the world (unless you were in a no political restrictions game world) i mean just like the regional or holiday charters etc.

I would also like to see some more bits added to the whole HUB & Terminal section. Just a simple "build a lounge" or "build maintenance facilities" and this could be added in the form of little icons to the right of your hub on the airline info page.

There is tonnes of little ideas i have, not detracting from the game or micromanaging just enhancements to make the airline more personalised.



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Oh and this might be stretching it but have different colour lines on the route map for different subsidburies of your airline.




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Oh and this might be stretching it but have different colour lines on the route map for different subsidburies of your airline.


No not at all. It should be very doable if you get a game to this level.

Domestic Sky

Domestic Sky

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+1 on 1 and 2


I absolutely love the "build and lounge/stores/maintenance hangar". so +∞


p.s. i could not help but notice you misspelled subsidiary in like five different ways  :P

"The lowest ticket prices, period." - Domestic Sky's CEO

"We are not afraid to grab our competitors and wring them by the neck" - Domestic Sky's CEO

"One of the most ruthless airlines in history, will literally do anything to save customers money" - New York Times

"A cold stone killer" - Huffington Post

"The most sadistic, unforgiving, cold-blooded airline in America, but at least its cheap." - Wall Street Journal



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Yeah i know its just one of those difficult words - subisid....subbi.... Its no good

Nah im just on phone and not reading through what i have typed out, i noticed after but couldnt be bothered changing them. I do know how to spell it, honest!



    Mcdonnell-Douglas is life

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I love #1 and #2 they sound really good. I love it when somebody puts effort into their airline from a design/story point. +1



    something soon.

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Good ideas +1 but some of these have already been mentioned before.


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