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How to "WIN" Airline Empires by Valuation

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Hello fellow avaition fans, here is my guide to "WIN" Airline Empires by valuation. Some will not like this post, but these are the things spamliners are doing against you to win. I do not do all these things myself, as I consider myself a polite spammer, but here is what the big spamliners do. I have never won, so take this with a grain of salt, although I am in first in 02 currently and have been in the top 3 twice before when I had to quit. I also have a top finish by repuation.


Early notes:


# This is not a guide for playing, this is a guide to win by valuation as I understand it.


# You will not be in the top valuation if you do not have time to commit to the game. You must be able to check in to the game at a minimum of 5-10 times a day, and commit at least an hour a day if you are quick. It will probally take more than 2-3 total hours a day for a few months!


# Start in a world with an airline that you can bankrupt if nesessary, and use this airline to scout the game world. If you want to start for example in Barcelona (BCN) and 3 other airlines have HQ's there, bankrupt your airline. Start again with a new airline and pick a new HQ, if your choice is empty then great you are good to go. Avoid competition if at all possible, this is important. You can play and win with other airlines at your HQ, and most large airports will have other players. Pick the best airport available.


# Follow the steps in order, you need to set IFS and configurations before you set a route,


# Deep down this is a math game, not an airline game. Passengers do not care about the speed or type of aircraft. mainly they care about the price.


# Some of the steps are for newer players.


1. Easy, start an airline, and start it before the game world begins. You can win if you join a game world later on, but it makes it much harder to win. Pick any name for your airline and click "Start New Airline"




2. Choose a starting airplane and home airport. Click "Confirm starting aircraft and Home Airport"





3. On the left side bar click "Airline Options", then click the human resources tab.




4. Change all "Median Pay Rate" to $7 for every position, and set "reserves" to 0%.




4. Create "Scam" In-Flight Serivices (IFS)




5. Set every option "Quality" to worst and "Price" to highest $ allowed. Click on "Step 2" tab.




6. Click on all the options and then set the highest price, click "View Costs and Rating"




7. Name your "IFS" and click "create".




8. Click "Configure In-Flight Services" and set all options to the name you gave to the scam "IFS" Don't forget to click "Set" when done.



9. Only now can you add flights to your plane(s), if you started a new game then you will not have access to "Used Aircraft". Start with the busiest route available. Look for cheap gates, lots of passengers and AVOID ANY COMPETITION IF POSSIBLE, and it is possible.  Click on the "Browse Airports" tab and enter airplane information to view available routes.




10. Look for empty routes by clicking the "Research" tab, choose an EMPTY route with NO COMPETITION and RAISE PRICES, leave no hours available on your plane and do not configure it unless it holds max passengers in any combination. This does two things, it makes you more $ and it also shows when anyone challenges your routes as your load factor will drop so low that it will show on your routes page as an empty or low load flight on the routes screen (see step 13 below).  I use  this config for my planes, (1) first class (6) business class and (xxx) coach class. I.E. on the MD-83 purchased earlier I would use one of the flowing configs (2-12-147), probally this one ->>> (3-18-135). A lot of spamliners use no first class, some use no business class. This is something for you to figure out in the world you are playing. Avoid reconfiguring aircraft if at all possible. RAISE YOUR FARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do not raise them by $20-$100, there is a quirck in the game, double or triple your fares. On flights with no compition and when you fly 1/2 to 1/3 of the available seats on the routes you can easily double the coach fare. See below for example.




11. Once again raise the FARES!!!




12. Add to your fleet aggressively. Configure your planes BEFORE you order them this will save you money.


13. Check on your "Routes" tab a few times a day. Makes sure you planes are "in the green"




14. If your routes are not in the green adjust your prices.




15. Since my fares were higher and making me money, I noticed when someone got on the same route. Prices were then adjusted and flights added if they are needed.




Additional Tips from this point on:


# Return any unsed gates immediately, especially after you have set your first plane(s) routes early in the game.


# Careful with bonds, you can afford to pay them all by now. But, If too many are issued you cannot lease planes, stay under $15 million and you should be ok.


# in the begining of the game order many types of planes. DO NOT order planes with very low passenger counts, nothing under about 80 seats, and look for aircract that have a LOW FUEL FLOW. Minimize your fleet types later in the game.


# Buy terminals EARLY in the game, if you have 3 or more gates at an airport this is a good time to buy a terminal.


# Hubs are good to help fill up routes if you focus in a hub city, but you should derfisify and and not limit your airline to a single city, as it can be raided. Manage your hubs and do not add to many as they double your costs.


# Hubs create connecting passengers, but the pay half the fare. You can see this on the route info, under the price is a bar, green is full paying passengers, blue is conecting passengers. Adjust for most profit.


# I Do not know any good in-flight entertainment (IFE) scam, hopefully someone will let us know.


# You can win and/or have a successful airline without being a jerk, if the demand is 500 coach seats and you schedule 3000 coach seats, you are being a jerk. This does not mean you should not defend your routes if another airline is aggressive. Be aggressive back, but do not pick on smaller airlines who are only trying to compete on a route from their hub.  You will not make as much money and you are being a jerk. I can't stop you from being a jerk if you want to, but you are still a jerk if you do.


# Check on other airlines to see if they are still active. If another airline player has not logged in for a week you can poach their routes. Do this by clicking on the airline and clicking "view player profile" on the top of the page.


# Check the "Used aircraft" tab a lot, planes come up for sale with about 1 minute to go before the next day. Spamliners will troll the used aircraft tab when the day has less than 2 minutes and buy airplanes before you can lease or buy them, so you must be quick. If you do not check this tab often you will be beat, and planes might be bought before you even notice they are for sale. Also, check the used aircraft tab ramdomly as sometimes planes show up at strange times.


# Remember this is a game for fun, do not be a troll and mess with the little guy. Some people here are just trying to run a small airline, you can win without bulldozing them. Mess with the big airlines, not the little ones.


# Buy your planes and keep them a long time, at least 10 years.


# Join the biggest alliance that will take you, some are snobby and will not let you in. You need 600 destinations in your alliance, that is the only important thing. It can take 5-10 years for your alliance to reach this goal.


# Making tons of cash? Scrap old planes insted of selling them, you might lose some money, but that plane will not be purchased by your competition and then be competing against you on your routes. (not a nice way to play)


# Want to win by repuation too? That is much easier, just cheat and figure it out.


And here a few screen shots from my current game to show I have somewhat of an idea of what I am talking about. I am Coco BumBum, my little brother picked the name BTW. Game is from 1960-1990, currently 9 years into game. I still could be caught, but glad to be ahead for now.









This is the best guide I can give right now, hopefully it helps your game, or maybe it just shows you how the top airline is beating you. I meant to give this partial guide in a good way, sorry to the players who do not like a guide like this. I know it also has some flaws, I will try and keep it updated as people let me know better ways to play for the "win".


I do not follow most of the advice in this guide, it just that, a guide for interested players and for those who want to know the "secrets" of the spamliners.


Grammar and spelling errors are on purpose, deal with it.


Good Luck Airliners!



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THANK YOU, man, this is AWESOME



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Is it possible to win a game which has no defined objective?

please don't kill us we're just the aquabats


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Alternate title: "Fifteen Steps to Earn the Disdain of Airline Empires Users"





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Is it possible to win a game which has no defined objective?

Exactly, someone's goal in some game can be to become the best airline in Slovakia or Honduras, or regional airline in Midwestern US or in Siberia or some even smaller region as well, which is clearly not an ambition for top valuation but is a "win" of some kind...


This topic is flawed in a lot of ways, but if your goal is #1 valuation, then this is by no means the only way to do things...


About technicalities, you're right about choosing empty routes (most noobs will crash prices on big routes like LHR-PEK-FRA-ATL-etc. before making money themselves) and checking used planes market, and checking existing routes, but I would partially or completely disagree about most other things.


First of all crashing workers' pay, completely unnecessary because it's a solid reputation tool and not a great expense all things considered (you obviously don't check finance part a lot). Avoid smaller planes? Why? Early in the game a plane like ATR72 with only 1/3 base maintenance price and deliveries every week can get you a lot of money and can be more practical then getting another mid-sized jet type too early.


A lot of other tips are just ??? , not very cool and not even efficient.


Talking about being "jerk" and "spammer" about others with such a strategy? I mean really, come on... And I don't see a difference between big and small airlines because you don't know who is going to be the next big one, especially if someone "small" is actively coming for your routes from the beginning. Don't be moralistic, just be smart and cool-headed when you choose or avoid your battles (and yes, even close routes when you're weak instead of showing you can match prices) because price wars and annoyance with someone else will happen sooner or later if you're aiming high, but start wars when you think you can win, don't play someone else's game because in most cases there's a lot of place for defensive strategy here.

As I see it there's no good or bad morally or "jerks" and "nice guys", there's just smart and winning or dumb and losing competition (including one's own moves), and there's having fun in some way or the other with AE, a bit of annoyance and conflict is a part of economy simulation games just as with any other competitive game.



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Exactly, someone's goal can be the best airline in Slovakia or Honduras as well, not only top valuation...


This topic is flawed in a lot of ways, but if your goal is #1 valuation, then this is by no means the only way to do things...


About technicalities, you're right about choosing empty routes (most noobs will crash prices on big routes like LHR-PEK-FRA-ATL-etc. before making money themselves) and checking used planes market, and checking existing routes, but I would partially or completely disagree about most other things.


First of all crashing workers' pay, completely unnecessary because it's a solid reputation tool and not a great expense all things considered (you obviously don't check finance part a lot). Avoid smaller planes? Why? Early in the game a plane like ATR72 with only 1/3 base maintenance price and deliveries every week can get you a lot of money and can be more practical then getting another mid-sized jet type too early.


A lot of other tips are just ??? , not very cool and not even efficient.


Talking about being "jerk" and "spammer" about others with such a strategy? I mean really, come on... And I don't see a difference between big and small airlines because you don't know who is going to be the next big one, especially if someone "small" is actively coming for your routes from beginning. Don't be moralistic, just be smart and cool-headed when you choose or avoid your battles (and yes, even close routes when you're weak) because price wars and annoyance with someone else will happen sooner or later if you're aiming high, but start wars when you think you can win, don't play someone else's game because in most cases there's a lot of place for defensive strategy here.

As I see it there's no good or bad morally or "jerks" and "nice guys", there's just smart and winning or dumb and losing competition (including one's own moves), and there's having fun in some way or the other with AE, a bit of annoyance and conflict is a part of economy simulation games just as with any other competitive game.


Says the guy with a full windblown spamline




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The guide is good.  I do most of this but not all of it and can ended up number 7 twice.   I do not do the fare scam.   My fares are mostly default.  And theres a reason for that.   And the fare scam is necessary to be number one.  When the game starts for more money.     And generaly I use half the food choices.  One thing to remember is there is a difference between max profit and max market share. Max profit and max market share are not the same.   Its very easy to not recognize you are chasing market share instead of profit.  By defending your routes. By lowering fares. Because you have too much capacity anyways.    Then later you have to go in and switch back to max profit. Lower capacity and raise fares back up.    Its time consuming.  Yes its hours a day to play with the big boys.   


 If  you chase max profit. the whole time and market share be damned.   By not competing for more passengers. Then you can save billions on advertising and  need no advertising.    Better yet.  You're routes aren't affected by others attempts to steal your passengers by lowering their fares. Because yours aren't inflated above the default.   And you save valuable time. By not changing fares for hours every fricking day on the same routes.  Over and over again.   You are already running a crap airline , at minimum wage. with no advertising boost. And making max profit.  At the lowest cost.  There,s nothing they can do to steal your profit.    If your planes wont stay full, and sometimes they wont because of hyper competition. Abandon the route. Everyone on that route is losing their ass. Get out.   Any low profit plane gets put on another max profit route. 


In the end there are other ways to be number 1. Such as using the most fuel efficient airplanes bar none. And refusing to use hubs at twice the cost. of point to point flying.   By ordering the same plane 60 years in advance. You use less fuel. And don't have to bang your head for hours trying to get another type plane to fly all your routes of an obsolete plane.  And other ways to make max profit. Airport selection, in my game is important.  I aint talking about.  But the right airport selection at the right years,  Can reduce YOUR competition on your routes to  nothing .    This guide  is not the only way. 


Keep in mind on the top 10. After a point when the Airline  is making trillions. And the game is so far along. There is no way to topple the top Airlines on valuation.  They can have a boatload of routes losing money, and they usually do.   And you cant catch them.  You have to be close to them to bump up rank.  




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Says the guy with a full windblown spamline

What is exactly "spamline"? Please define. Any successful airline with over 500 planes? 


I had smaller "realistic" airlines as well, not that I didn't enjoy that, but now I'm going for high valuation along with a few other goals that I set for the company, and valuation is going up because I can (not a lot of competition) and I didn't even plan it, I started 5 years into the game, and my airline is sure less "spamming" by any definition then the above guys' recommendation to create only ultra-scam-IFS and reduce all workers' pay to $7 (which I think even doesn't work well AFAIK).


Talking about "realism" with my airline, my workers are well payed all with happy faces and dancing :P  and at 0.0-0.44 attrition rate, my long-range IFS is not making money,, and my planes' hours are almost never at the max, I like keeping it well under 15 h when I'm not in a mood to compete, but even when I want high profit, full usage for me is not practical in a few ways and I leave remaining hours, and yes, I actually and absolutely care about "realism" of not sending remaining hours on wide-bodies EVER on regional routes and rather buy "unnecessary" turboprops, it's simple and practical, but only big planes and max usage is what really serious spamming-strategists here propagate all the time and say that sending a 747 on short routes is just great to get the daily usage to 20 h, which is ridiculous to me.



In all of my posts on the forum I've agreed that in the future very big airlines should be an exception and AE should be more realistic... At the moment it is not and I don't know who can exactly set limits between competition and spamming. Don't hate the playa etc.


When I played "realistic" then I had no problem with those who played for high valuation because my goals were different, so I don't know why would anyone feel bad about all that. 



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What is exactly "spamline"? Please define. Any successful airline with over 500 planes?

I had smaller "realistic" airlines as well, not that I didn't enjoy that, but now I'm going for high valuation along with a few other goals that I set for the company, and valuation is going up because I can (not a lot of competition) and I didn't even plan it, I started 5 years into the game, and my airline is sure less "spamming" by any definition then the above guys' recommendation to create only ultra-scam-IFS and reduce all workers' pay to $7 (which I think even doesn't work well AFAIK).

Talking about "realism" with my airline, my workers are well payed all with happy faces and dancing :P and at 0.0-0.44 attrition rate, my long-range IFS is not making money,, and my planes' hours are almost never at the max, I like keeping it well under 15 h when I'm not in a mood to compete, but even when I want high profit, full usage for me is not practical in a few ways and I leave remaining hours, and yes, I actually and absolutely care about "realism" of not sending remaining hours on wide-bodies EVER on regional routes and rather buy "unnecessary" turboprops, it's simple and practical, but only big planes and max usage is what really serious spamming-strategists here propagate all the time and say that sending a 747 on short routes is just great to get the daily usage to 20 h, which is ridiculous to me.

In all of my posts on the forum I've agreed that in the future very big airlines should be an exception and AE should be more realistic... At the moment it is not and I don't know who can exactly set limits between competition and spamming. Don't hate the playa etc.

When I played "realistic" then I had no problem with those who played for high valuation because my goals were different, so I don't know why would anyone feel bad about all that.

why you writing an essay?




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Well, I'm still on-topic, how to win by valuation...


The point being, you don't always have to ultra-scam IFS, cut all wages, never have any marketing, use 20 h on every plane and avoid any small "inefficient" planes to be no.1.


You usually have to get very big by passenger volume... But cutting all corners is not necessary to be successful.



And I'm always curious about what some people consider spamline...



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Well, I'm still on-topic, how to win by valuation...


The point being, you don't always have to ultra-scam IFS, cut all wages, never have any marketing, use 20 h on every plane and avoid any small "inefficient" planes to be no.1.


You usually have to get very big by passenger volume... But cutting all corners is not necessary to be successful.



And I'm always curious about what some people consider spamline...

Spamline- You have almost 6,000 planes; you have first class on ATR's; you fly everywhere; and you own Tupolev's, if they're in the US you just made a huge no-no right there. and you have highly un-realistic util. rates. Therefor, your airline is spam in every way shape and form.




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It's a spamline in every way shape and form





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This is a good spamline guide. The problem is that it's effectively degenerated into another anti-/pro-spamline thread, arguing about whether or not spamlines are good, and who has spamlines (or not). Just another example of how this community is not well equipped to help newcomers.




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This is actually a pretty good guide for anyone who wants to win/operate a spamline. As soon as someone wants to play realistically your guide starts to go wrong at step 4 :P




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Spamline- You have almost 6,000 planes; you have first class on ATR's; you fly everywhere; and you own Tupolev's, if they're in the US you just made a huge no-no right there. and you have highly un-realistic util. rates. Therefor, your airline is spam in every way shape and form.

Well guess what, if you really payed attention you would see that I'm in China, even my logo is in Chinese, was that so hard to check before you started writing this? Chinese airlines really ordered Russian planes IRL. I don't remember that I've ever ordered Russian planes when I tried playing in the West. I also ordered Chinese Xi'an MA60 even if it's less economical then some western props because I liked the idea that it would be "realistic"

Also, I have very little competition in the big China and filling all those those thousands of planes wasn't hard.


First class on turboprops, I know it's not what airlines usually do, but it's not something that's impossible and unheard of. Sometimes I do it, sometimes I don't, this time I did. 






If the game engine had the actually realistic engine that would fill F and C passengers into the Y cabin on short connecting flights to sell a long-range F/C ticket, which is how things really work, I probably wouldn't ever put F on props.




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LOL relax people. It's time to spam the whole AE's world. Get used to it.

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