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Alliance Elite

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KLM Caravelle

KLM Caravelle

    C'était une fois.

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Hello AE Community. 

A new alliance has taken shape in the form of Alliance Elite. We are present in just three worlds at the moment, R5, R7, and O1, but we may create an R1 branch as well. We strive to create a strong network found in multiple worlds comprised of airlines from all over the globe. Our member ship criteria are simple, the airline must be over Rank 75 in the world, after five years of operation or Over 70 Reputation, after 5 years of operation, and most importantly, the considered potential for growth. We keep to a limit of 12 members per world, and R5 is already filled, however, feel free to join in O1 or R5. More news will follow

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    Head Admin of SkyRoutes Alliance

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Greetings,firstly congrats on the founding of our new alliance. SkyRoutes Corporation,as an alliance which helps to help AE players grows in this democratic and friendly,is intrested to help you expand and grow. Besides that,I've also a few suggestions abt the alliance(no offence). Upon seeing this,pls send me a pm so I could tell you the details. :)






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Hello AE Community. 

A new alliance has taken shape in the form of Alliance Elite. We are present in just three worlds at the moment, R5, R7, and O1, but we may create an R1 branch as well. We strive to create a strong network found in multiple worlds comprised of airlines from all over the globe. Our member ship criteria are simple, the airline must be over Rank 75 in the world, after five years of operation or Over 70 Reputation, after 5 years of operation, and most importantly, the considered potential for growth. We keep to a limit of 12 members per world, and R5 is already filled, however, feel free to join in O1 or R5. More news will follow

Rank is not an indicator of how good the airline is. Maybe the criteria should be good profitability. Ukrajet had a profit margin of 12% and it was rank 90 at the end of R6. It had 5 Star IFE in almost every cabin, and a minimum of 3 star IFS. Maybe this should be among the criteria.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: O1, R5, R7, R1

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