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United Alliance - R0

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United Alliance




United, defined as to join together, for a common purpose, or by common feelings. This alliance was established with passion, with proper planning and freedom. Passion for excellence, we were established to be excellent in everything, Proper Planning to avoid ruination and Freedom, a power or a right to act, speak or think of what one wants without any hindrance.


Realism - there is no realism in this alliance, express your imagination in the aviation world, use your creativity.


Quality - limitless quality, whether too low or too high, experiment IFE and IFS, routes and prices.


Development - a place where you can develop your management skill, learn how to create a realistic airlines.


Ethics - express proper ethics towards other members, a professional minded alliance that will enhance your communication skills towards other members.


Our World - Join United Alliance at R0 - (1950 - 2020).











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