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Application - Hakey - Rhine Air

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    Too Old For All This Jazz

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  • Skype Name:billfoster123
  • Website:http://willsweg.com

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Hello aaa,

  1. I would like to join aaaalliance in Ra because it has continually shown itself as a strong and successful alliance. I get along well with its members too.
  2. I could add fresh blood into this alliance, as well as a new expanding airline from France. So far I only have three aircraft, but I will soon expand with several more BAe 146s, as well as larger Airbus aircraft. I have also shown myself to be quite loyal to alliances, as I have been a member of Essence Global from its founding to its merging with GMI, which I have been a member of since February.
  3. I tend to be active on AE for about 25 - 30 hours weekly, and most of that time I'm on chat. 
  4. I am part of GMI, but no other alliances.

Thank you for reading this.

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