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I know some on here are playing, so why the hell not?


To being here's the current situation of mine as the Danubian Federation (started as Austria)



I have just won The First Great War together with Germany and France against the UK and Russia and have taken a fair load of territory out of Russia, aswell as set up a colony in Crimea. I have owned the Southeast of Italy since the start of the game and Italy itself has just formed and I am allied to them. I also have all the Balkan countries sphered.




Got a good chunk out of Northern Africa thanks to having Egypt sphered later annexing them, but the Brits won the race for Africa and together with minor Portugese colonies control the entire South and centre of Africa.




I took Sri Lanka from the Brits in an earlier war and have invaded Vietnam and Siam aswell. Next up, Cambodia.






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What about your incomes -1628.9?




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What about your incomes -1628.9?


Seeing as I have so much money stored. I can afford to loose it for a while to make my population happy. :P



I have now also re-invaded Italy with France and taken the rest of the South




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What is the name of the game please?



    Disgusting, sick, and nasty member

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Victoria 2 running the /gsg/mod




    TZ Guru and 757 Fan(atic)

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Ooh, haven't played Vicky 2 in awhile, been trying to learn Hearts of Iron 3. One of my favorite games was as a released South Africa.

I tried to set up a communist cou in the 1880s, but I actually ended up with a democratically elected communist government that resulted in South Africa cutting ties with the British royal family. The end game was really just colonizing as much as I could (up to the southern coast of Kenya), and fighting the three South African-Portuguese Wars of Colonization from the late 1880s to the early 1920s.


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    Disgusting, sick, and nasty member

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Cool, did a South African game in Vic 2 myself once actually never finished it however, the CSA won the civil war in that game too which I haven't seen in any other game. :P









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Seems interesting...is this a free game? 

While I'd love to play...doing that on top of AE would make me O_O




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It is not a free game, unfortunately. Paradox Interactive is a gaming company. Paradox Interactive and at the top of that page you will see links to their forum, their list of games, etc. I don't own Victoria 2 but do own Europa Universalis 3 and Crusader Kings 2. Do you also own those and, if so, which one is the best (in your opinion)



    Disgusting, sick, and nasty member

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As charming as EU3 is, I'd say CK2 is the better of those two. But imo you cannot really compare the games unless they're sequals to eachother. The objective and the depths of the games are so different.





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And the map you have above, that is from Victoria II? Or is it an expansion to Victoria II, like Heart of Darkness?


Another question. What is GSG mode?


Do you normally have to spend a lot of time playing Paradox games?




    TZ Guru and 757 Fan(atic)

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CK2 is one of those games I'm waiting to see in a Steam sale. Unfortunately, Victoria 2 is one of the less-popular of Paradox's 4x games, and its sequel had more-or-less been passed up for HOI4 and East vs. West (Cold War era, and the one I'm highly anticipating.).

On a side note, in my South African game (played with the HOD version of the Pop Demand Mod), the US had a reverse Civil War (New England abolitionists vs pro-slavery Washington), and the US ended up in a presidential dictatorship, with the expected PDM revolts (very entertaining to watch). Basically, about half of the US states declared independence, and most joined regional coalitions. More or less, the Free States of America started in Chicago, then moved to Philadelphia (Midwest to Pennsylvania), then Deseret (Utah, Nevada, and a few other states), California, Texas, then New England, and strangely, the CSA then formed.


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    Disgusting, sick, and nasty member

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CK2 is one of those games I'm waiting to see in a Steam sale. Unfortunately, Victoria 2 is one of the less-popular of Paradox's 4x games, and its sequel had more-or-less been passed up for HOI4 and East vs. West (Cold War era, and the one I'm highly anticipating.).

On a side note, in my South African game (played with the HOD version of the Pop Demand Mod), the US had a reverse Civil War (New England abolitionists vs pro-slavery Washington), and the US ended up in a presidential dictatorship, with the expected PDM revolts (very entertaining to watch). Basically, about half of the US states declared independence, and most joined regional coalitions. More or less, the Free States of America started in Chicago, then moved to Philadelphia (Midwest to Pennsylvania), then Deseret (Utah, Nevada, and a few other states), California, Texas, then New England, and strangely, the CSA then formed.


I love when the US get ****ed up for real ^_^

And yeah, cannot wait for EvW either and will probably buy directly on release. I heard the beta will be free. So Warsaw Pact Sweden here I come ^_^





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can you give me the link to this /gsg/ mod please :)




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http://www.mediafire...xcugnrvw86cygkn That one, I think.




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Wait EvW still isn't out? O_O Last I checked it was supposed to be released nearly a year ago :P


Edit: Turns out that it went way overschedule and is now going to be released as an open, free to play, beta this month. Will be fully released....someday?

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    Disgusting, sick, and nasty member

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Wait EvW still isn't out? O_O Last I checked it was supposed to be released nearly a year ago :P


Edit: Turns out that it went way overschedule and is now going to be released as an open, free to play, beta this month. Will be fully released....someday?


Yeah it's crazy delayed. Can't wait for it to come out. Somewhat scared they'll slash features to just get it out however :/




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Speak of the devil...


"Today it's our sad duty to inform you that it has been decided to cancel the game "East vs West". We at Paradox have the utmost respect for BL Logic and this is not a decision that has been taken lightly—quite the contrary—but ultimately we are a publisher and our actions and decisions must reflect that.

As the project has been severly delayed we dont think that open beta / early acccess could, within our desired timeline, meet the set criteria.

It has been a journey of ups and downs since we started the development of East Vs West back in May 2011. We wish each other nothing but the best with future endeavors.

We also would like to thank the developers for their hard work and their tremendous effort, as well as the fans for their long term commitment and their never ending support.

Yours sincerely
Fredrik Wester, Lennart Berg, Gellert Keresztes"







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Is that a f***ing joke? :|




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Well, at least there is HOI 4 to look forward too, and maybe a future Victoria 3? It's kinda sad, since its been hyped up since the release, and just a month after they announce HOI 4, this...


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