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Livery Making Tutorial

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X-Wing @Aliciousness

X-Wing @Aliciousness

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Well, here it is, a full tutorial on how to make a livery in Adobe Photoshop CS.


This tutorial features Photoshop CS5, however, you can get Photoshop CS2 directly from Adobe for free at the link below. You need to make an adobe account to download it.




Also, Here is a list of some resources I find invaluable for livery making:


So without further ado, here it is:

Step one: grab a template from JetAbout:
Attached File  Screen shot 2011-09-10 at 7.51.05 PM.png   847.16KB   325 downloads

You should use the kits section. The templates seem to be higher quality than in the single image section, and it is much easier to work with layers than without.

Step two: load the templates into photoshop. keep make your base layer the active layer. your screen should look something like this:
Attached File  Screen shot 2011-09-10 at 6.14.03 PM.png   1.02MB   372 downloads

Now, go to the top menu and click Image>Mode>RGB Color. this step is EXTREMELY Important, without it layers will not work and the rest of the tutorial is useless.
Attached File  Screen shot 2011-09-10 at 6.14.47 PM.png   1.07MB   316 downloads

Step 3: In the details file, press Command-A on a Mac or CTRL-A on a Windows to select all. Press Command/CTRL-C to copy. now go back to the base layer and press Shift-Command/CTRL-V to paste in place. this will automatically align the layers to they fit on top of each other. do this for the other layers as well, making sure you do them in order. of you do the details layer last you will get a bunch of windows on top of the wing. Its always base, Details, Wing/Engines. engines are always last if they are a separate layer.

Step 4: in the top menu, select Layers>matting>defringe. set this to about 4-5 pixels and press OK. this will get rid of that pesky white border around everything. do this for the wing/engine layer.
Attached File  Screen shot 2011-09-10 at 6.16.25 PM.png   1.13MB   312 downloads

Step 5: set the details layer mode to Multiply. Nothing should happen. Do it anyway, it is necessary for when you add color to the plane.
Attached File  Screen shot 2011-09-10 at 6.29.43 PM.png   1.13MB   453 downloads

Step 6: Do a rough selection of the windows, making sure to exclude any fuselage frames/doors and include the windshield.
Attached File  Screen shot 2011-09-10 at 6.31.59 PM.png   993.02KB   612 downloads

Hover your mouse over the details layer and press Command/CTRL-Option-Shift. your mouse should now be a little pointing finger with a little box in the lower right that has an 'X' in it. Click, the selection will suddenly perfectly fit the windows
Attached File  Screen shot 2011-09-10 at 6.37.53 PM.png   1.1MB   534 downloads

Now, while still using the selection tool, go to the top and click refine edge. play around with the setting in here until the inner part of the window is selected. In this image a red tint means unselected. yours may be different, but you get the idea. spend as much time as you can on this so that as much of the window is selected as possible without slecting anything outside it, as otherwise the wondows will look as bad as they do in this tutorial. alternatively, you can skip this step. the windows will be similar to the color of your airplane but they will still show up.
Attached File  Screen shot 2011-09-10 at 6.39.57 PM.png   1.14KB   327 downloads

If you have chosen to follow through with previous step, Confirm this. If you ahevnt, ignore this. now Command/CTRL-C and Shift-Command/CTRL-V to paste. a new layer should appear. rename this layer 'windows'. make sure its layer mode is in 'Normal'

Now hover your mouse over the layer preview for the Wing/Engines and Command/CTRL-Click it. the wings and engines should now be selected. Now select a box around the winglets, as we dont want to change them. Again, click Refine Edge and add about 10-20 points of smoothing, paying attention to what happens and adjust accordingly. now go to the top menu and click Select>Invert. now press Command/CTRL-X to cut. the wings and engine should lose their jaggedness.

Now click the base layer and select the magic wand tool. in the upper menu set the tolerance to about 5 and click anywhere outside the plane (the checkerboard are in this picture)
Attached File  Screen shot 2011-09-10 at 6.50.36 PM.png   665.16KB   215 downloads

Press Command/CTRL-X. your plane should now also have a checkerboard area.

In the top menu click Layer>New>Layer. set the name to 'base color', ignore everything else.

now hover the mouse in between this new layer and the base layer and press ALT. the mouse should turn into two circles. click. a little arrow will appear next to the layer 'Base Color'
This is called quick masking. remember this, you will need to do it again.
Attached File  Screen shot 2011-09-10 at 6.54.16 PM.png   3.38KB   155 downloads

press Shift-F5, a dialouge box will appear. set it to color. if it is already set to color, do it anyway. another box will appear asking you to choose a color. choose whatever color you want. I'm going to use a nice dark red:
Attached File  Screen shot 2011-09-10 at 6.55.19 PM.png   730.27KB   204 downloads

Click OK. your plane should now be colored! Now create a new layer above this and quick mask it to the base color layer. call this layer 'livery elements' and ignore it.

create 3 more new layers and quick mask them. name the bottom one 'gloss', the middle one 'Shadow' and the top one 'highlights'

select the pen tool and draw a line roughly like this, being sure to follow the contour of the plane:
Attached File  Screen shot 2011-09-10 at 7.02.56 PM.png   136.32KB   238 downloads

Above the layer palette is a tab called 'paths'. click it
Attached File  Screen shot 2011-09-10 at 7.04.14 PM.png   20.12KB   120 downloads

at the bottom is a little image of a dotted circle. again, click it. your path will turn into a selection.
Attached File  Screen shot 2011-09-10 at 7.05.10 PM.png   2.05KB   22 downloads

now go back to the layers tab and make sure the 'gloss' layer is selected. press Shift-F5 and set the fill to white. press ok. set the Fill, not the Opacity, to 0. the circle will disappear.
Attached File  Screen shot 2011-09-10 at 7.09.45 PM.png   13KB   22 downloads

now double-click the layer preview for the gloss layer. the layer styles palette will open. on the left, check the 'outer glow' box. approximate the settings I have here:
Attached File  Screen shot 2011-09-10 at 7.11.35 PM.png   64.12KB   30 downloads

the plane should look like this:
Attached File  Screen shot 2011-09-10 at 7.12.08 PM.png   184.29KB   48 downloads

create a new layer above 'gloss'. select both this new layer and the gloss layer, and go to Layer>merge layers. the little subtext under it should disappear. rename it 'gloss'

now select the eraser tool. making sure the brush is set to a circle, set the size to about 60 and the hardness to 0. set the brush opacity to about 30%. now gently erase the beginning and the end of the gloss layer so it looks about like this:
Attached File  Screen shot 2011-09-10 at 7.17.35 PM.png   209.68KB   50 downloads

Go to the 'shadow' layer and select the paintbrush tool. making sure the brush is set to a circle and the color is black, set the size to about 100, the hardness to 0, and the opacity to about 20%. now gently paint the underside of the plane so it looks about like this:
Attached File  Screen shot 2011-09-10 at 7.20.22 PM.png   199.04KB   54 downloads

go to the 'highlights' layer. with the same brush, set the color to white and do this to the topside. remember, you can always adjust the other layers if they do not work together. in this picture I lowered the opacity of the gloss layer so it wasn't too strong:
Attached File  Screen shot 2011-09-10 at 7.23.09 PM.png   217.85KB   51 downloads

now on the highlight and shadow layer, add some to the tail so it looks about like this:
Attached File  Screen shot 2011-09-10 at 7.24.55 PM.png   56.01KB   104 downloads

Now add as many layers in between the 'livery elements' layer and the 'gloss' layer as you need to make your livery. here is an example:
Attached File  Screen shot 2011-09-10 at 7.46.22 PM.png   1.22MB   141 downloads

And that's it! I will add the engine, winglet and final product creation sections at some point tomorrow but I am a little tired at the moment.

any questions? just ask. I will do my best to answer them
I would try and do a tutorial in gimp but I cannot for the life of me get it to work on my computer.
Hopefully much of this still applies.


Mr Tree

Mr Tree

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This is a wonderful resource for a lot of us who want to to design liveries. This mostly does apply to GIMP and Paint.Net. GIMP can crash a lot though.

Air Scotland

Air Scotland

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This is a wonderful resource for a lot of us who want to to design liveries. This mostly does apply to GIMP and Paint.Net. GIMP can crash a lot though.

yeah but paint.net doesn't work on some PCs and Photoshop is payware TBH i find that GIMP is the best for everyone

ty agre :D

International Airlines Group


X-Wing @Aliciousness

X-Wing @Aliciousness

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Thanks Guys. I realize I may not be the best teacher but I was hoping that people would find this informational. I find that the most annoying thing about some of the liveries done here is the white borders and people not applying the details layer properly, So I thought I would put some stress on those areas. Also, adding proper highlights and shading takes some technique, so I thought I would share the tricks I know.

Anyway, thanks for the kind words.




    Busy Bee

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just use pre made templates :P

Pacific Airways - Head of Public Relations, Globe Alliance


Air Scotland

Air Scotland

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not as fun though :P

International Airlines Group




    AE Player

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Great tutorial Agremeister it's been really usefull :clap: But I have a question you might be able to answer. How do you make liveries on regular tamplates (where its all one layer for the begining)? I'm asking this because Jetabout only has kits for a handfull of airplanes (777, 747, 787, 319/18, 330 and 380). Thanks in advance.

I thought I could share two of my first takes at it with the help of your tutorial :innocent:

Attached File  772_TAPcargo.jpg   52.41KB   29 downloads
Fictional livery for TAP if it had a cargo fleet of 777F

Attached File  772_eastern.jpg   54.04KB   29 downloads
fictional livery for Eastern on a 772

Tell me what you think
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X-Wing @Aliciousness

X-Wing @Aliciousness

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Looks pretty good, though it looks like you didn't set the detail layer to multiply. If you do that all the white edges will disappear, and on mostly lighter colored planes it will still look pretty much the same.

What you can do for single layer templates is put them on the second layer and set it to multiply, and then paint on the layer below, making sure you stay inside the lines.




    AE Player

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Looks pretty good, though it looks like you didn't set the detail layer to multiply. If you do that all the white edges will disappear, and on mostly lighter colored planes it will still look pretty much the same.

Yeah I must of forgoten. I was wondering what I was missing. Thanks a lot for the opinion and the info!
Posted Image

Air Scotland

Air Scotland

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One problem i find with your tutorial is that it seems to be on an apple computer you made it :P


International Airlines Group


X-Wing @Aliciousness

X-Wing @Aliciousness

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That's because they're better :P

I would say that the vast majority of artists use Apple computers, And I think there are several reasons for this. I can go into detail should you want to start a Mac vs. PC debate with me. :whistling:


X-Wing @Aliciousness

X-Wing @Aliciousness

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I thought I would add this as a quick thought, there is a modification of GIMP called GIMPshop that makes it act more like Photoshop. Meaning all the key commands and tool layout should be the same or very similar.




    CEO of Adaptice Group

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Nice info Agre, i'll try it later :P



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I'm a little confused... My english is a ¨¨&%¨¨$$####!!!! and I can't understand when you say ctrl+option+shift in step 6 (I use windows)..., so I can't understand the rest of the step :/

Can you help-me?


X-Wing @Aliciousness

X-Wing @Aliciousness

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I believe 'option' key translates to 'alt' on windows computers


Air Scotland

Air Scotland

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see? everyone knows the CTRL+ALT+[ENTER KEY HERE] mode noone knows CTRL+OPTION+[ENTER KEY HERE] cause noone uses rubbish Apples :P

International Airlines Group


X-Wing @Aliciousness

X-Wing @Aliciousness

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Yes, my Mac is obviously 'rubbish', as you scots say, compared to your computer. :P




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thx Agreimster :P




    Australian Livery King

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I use rubbish Apples, they're :awesome:


Air Scotland

Air Scotland

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shame y PC looks a bit better than that and probably runs a hell of a lot faster :/ must admit thought the style looks nice :P

International Airlines Group


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