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A340 Runway Length

Posted by bAnderson on 06 March 2016 - 06:18 PM

So I was checking min runway lengths for the A340-300 and saw that 8603 is the minimum runway length.

Min runway length for A340-300E is 8883.

I was checking for my airline is Saint Martin. The runway length there is 7545. I've crossed checked this, it is correct.


That can't be right, AFR 498 is currently on its way to SXM and it is an A340-300.


Either this is wrong or the runway length is wrong, but an A340 CAN land in Saint Martin, I've seen it happen a lot.


Mar 10 2016 07:41 AM

As AE do not take weights, runway conditions, etc into consideration you are not able to operate the A340 or the B747 in or out of SXM.

there is however plans for a new system in AE4 to take this into consideration.

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