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No revenue generate from connecting pax

Posted by dhon on 29 May 2011 - 07:00 AM

I found that there is no revenue generated from connecting pax....

The below is self-explanatory:-

Posted Image

Posted Image

How come flight with higher ticket price and same occupancy (after adding connecting pax) will generate less profit?

This is not a bug - connecting passengers do not pay the full fare.

Then may I ask will they play for the ticket or they just count for occupancy but no ticket revenue?

I believe they pay half of the fare.

If they paid half far his income should be:
Original amount from full price passengers + (connecting passengers X 1/2)
This is clearly not the case, they're getting a free ride. It shouldn't be that way!

No, obviously not. Connecting passengers can't be strapped to the wings. If 10% are connecting passengers, then you get paid 90% of the original amount from full passengers + (connecting passengers x 1/2). Think about it...

Thats what I tried to illustrate in my comment, obviously I did a poor job. You are correct as well. Good call.

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