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  • #002269

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Various Inaccuracies

Posted by Hake. on 18 September 2014 - 07:14 PM

In my travels, I have found the following:

1. Casa 235-100

2. Boeing 737-300

3. Casa 212-300

4. Aerospitale SN-601

5. Boeing 737-700

Thanks in advance :P

Your seatguru link is broken.

Your seatguru link is broken.

Not any more :P

I'll review these very shortly 

For reference with the 737s


EASA type certificate (Refer to page 7 for 733)


The Seatguru map shows only 148 seats. (24*6+4) Someone obviously made a mistake on seatguru's side. Additionally, EASA only allows 149, so I'd be very surprised to see a 737-300 with more than 150 seats, considering the then arising need for further emergency exits as well.

All seat requests are rejected as they are not the max certified and the SeatGuru maps have some astonishing anomalies.


The range for the CASA's are correct, just AE calculations are not 100% accurate.


The speeds of the aircraft however have been updated


I think both Tuifly seatmaps are fake as they are well over the maximum certified seat limits and on other pages we have different seat counts about they aifrcrafts.


Tuifly 737-700 fleet with 148 seats:




Tuifly 737-300 136 seats





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