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Merauke Airport

Posted by gintkenny on 02 April 2015 - 06:01 AM



I really really appreciate the work of Data Collector Team. I'm very proud because some airports in my country, Indonesia already added, like Hanandjoedin Airport, Silangit, Pondok Cabe, Manokwari, Sibolga, Aek Gondang, etc. Previously, we don't have those airport.


But, i found an airport that have wrong data. This airport not a new airport. It's (MKQ/WAKK) Merauke - Mopah. I little confused because the runway length. In real world, Garuda Indonesia have route to Merauke with ATR72-500. But, in AE we can't. I think the runway length data in AE is wrong.


In AE data, the runway length is 1850 ft, and i think, it should be 1850 metres. Wikipedia says it's 1950 m / 6200 ft (http://en.wikipedia....i/Mopah_Airport). But, Indonesia's Air Transportation Department says it's 2500 m (in their database, http://hubud.dephub.go.id/?en/bandara/detail/126 , air side facilities tab). But, when i count the runway length in Google Maps it's 1850 m. I don't know which is right. If our government not extend its runway, it's 1850 m, but if they do, it's 2500 m.


Sorry for long post. Thank you for your attention.

We use feet in AE, so the runway is suppose to be 6200ft. Fixed.

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