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  • #002943

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Day / Time Progression

Posted by Krysia's Krusader on 06 July 2017 - 05:08 PM

Currently the Worlds of S3A, R2, and R3 are running at double speed.

So I'm assuming this is happening in all worlds.

When the day ends, instead of moving forward one digit, it skips a number (currently, odd numbered days are ignored), thereby doubling the rate of progression.

This is playing havoc with delivery dates, deferrals, pax demands at airports, etc.

Okay, now it's skipping by month(s).

In R2 the date changed from May 24th to July.

While in R3 it skipped 3 months.

In S1 it just jumped to August 1st. Unfortunately, deliveries that were scheduled for July never happened and are still pending.

Now the servers are skipping even numbered days.

Airlines are losing planes on routes, due to their leases expiring prematurely due to the worlds being sped up.

And it looks like the finance arm is screwing up because it's only counting the flights for odd numbered days.

realistic world Alpha is still having the mentioned issues above! please correct! ty

S3A, R2, and R3 now working correctly.


Ra, is still glitched though.

Pretty bad there. Single to triple month jumps, incorrect financial data, leases screwed, deliveries skewered, etc.

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