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Losing passengers for no reason

Posted by Isa Al on 31 July 2015 - 01:36 PM



I am having an issue I noticed it today which is I am losing passengers automatically without any competition. and I only have to click save again so I get the passengers back and here is a screenshot of before and after without changing the price at all.


I have almost 1000+ route so it's hard for me to keep on checking them like that







Demand peaks in summer and winter, so if you save routes at different times of the year, the results will be different even if nothing else changes. That might be what you're seeing here.

Demand peaks in summer and winter, so if you save routes at different times of the year, the results will be different even if nothing else changes. That might be what you're seeing here.

The problem is that when I click "Save" the route gets full again directly.
Like if I have a route which is 100% full it drops suddenly to 70% after few hours and when I click "Save" button again it gets full again to 100% same second and the pic I shared shows before I click save and after.
I got your point you are talking about but the problem is that the passengers aren't doping and rising automatically but when I click save it gets full and that's the issue like I have to keep on checking my routes every few hours which is hard 

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