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R5 - May 1998 double staffing costs.

Posted by Sheepy on 06 April 2012 - 09:50 AM

I had a look at my finance sheet, and it would appear as though all staff cost twice as much as usual this month.
I believe others are having the same issue.
Is this intentional or a bug?
If it is a bug, will it fix itself?

Happened to me too. On both airlines.

Does not look like anyone is mucking with payroll again though.

Happened to my airlines too, but I don't see how anyone changing their own payroll could change how much I pay my employees when I haven't adjusted the values since creating the airlines... It doesn't make sense that someone could influence the wages of my employees... I can understand them annoying my employees if they pay so much more than I do, but I don't see how someone can change their payroll and it changes mine to boot.

Same here----mine was doubled as well. :-(

As a follow up on this issue I also noticed that the total payroll costs have discrepancies between what is reported in the Human Resources management page and the Income Statement page.

In one of my airlines the total costs are reported as $417,700,320 / mo in the Human Resources management page and the total reported in the Income Statement before the double up was $332,967,333 / mo (20% less than what's reported in the Human Resources management page). With the double up the costs in the Income Statement are now $669,545,066 (100% increase from the previous month in the income statement and 60% more than what the Human Resources management page reports)

Obelix, I have posted a separate bug entry a while back with some calculations showing the HR page don't match the finance page. Maybe you could check if you see behaviour similar to below as a confirmation \ rejection:

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