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  • #000172

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Legroom Doesn't Calculate if "None" Selected for IFE

Posted by rotaryspd on 08 February 2011 - 12:25 AM

The legroom will show a blank bar (0%) if "None" is selected for IFS on the flight. If you select an IFS, click save, and then select none, it then properly shows the legroom.

Edit: Actually, it will show legroom if you resave the flight (i.e. on adding the first aircraft to route, with no IFS selected for any class, shows no legroom reputation--if you click save w/out changing IFS or prices, legroom shows when page reloads).

Edit (again): Ok, per the above situation, the final route reputation does reflect the legroom reputation (when route initially created, shows low route rep and no legroom rep - when reloaded, legroom rep shows and route rep goes up). So it appears this isn't just an error reading database info, but an actual bug.

Updating status to: Duplicate
Updating version to: None

Known issue. Rep and LF don't save properly on the first route calculation - it should be correct after saving again.

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