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Flaw in DAL political restrictions

Posted by MisterE on 31 August 2014 - 05:28 AM

In R0 there is a flaw in the DAL political restriction.

Once you establish a route conforming to the DAL restrictions limiting long flights to aircraft that can carry 56 passengers or fewer, one can swap out the aircraft for a larger one that does not meet the restrictions. For example, I had established a route between DAL and SEA with a Martin 4-0-4 40 seats, and later changed it for a DC-10-40 399 seats.


lets just pretend that it does not exist ok?

:horse:  Congratulations. You found a loophole.

Just to remind everyone:


"Any player who finds an exploit in the game (e..g the ability to hack in values outside the normal game interface) is obligated to report it, either by contacting an administrator or posting in the bug tracker. Anyone who uses this kind of exploit (publicly posted or not) to gain an unfair advantage or circumvent restrictions will be treated as a cheater and penalized accordingly. Penalties include deletion of the offending airline, suspension of the player account, and so on."





Just to remind everyone:





we have reported it just that no-one is doing anything about it

It was the bit in red I was reminding people about. I'm sure the old users didn't need reminding, but a new user might not have realised people were joking. 

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