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A350 passengers capacity

Posted by call14 on 30 September 2014 - 07:26 PM

A350 has recently be certified by EASA to 440 passenger maximun capacity https://www.easa.eur...51_Issue-01.pdf

This was expected as the A350-900 cabin size is approx. 10% larger than the A330-300 or the Boeing 787-9.


A330-300 as reference:

cabin width: 5,28 meters

cabin length: 50,35 meters


A350-900 with approx. 10% larger cabin space than the A330-300

cabin width: 5,61 meters

cabin length: 51,8 meters


Boeing 787-9

cabin width: 5,48 meters

cabin length: 48,73 meters

Thank you for reporting this issue, this has now been resolved. :)

This was expected as the A350-900 cabin size is approx. 10% larger than the A330-300 or the Boeing 787-9.


A330-300 as reference:

cabin width: 5,28 meters

cabin length: 50,35 meters


A350-900 with approx. 10% larger cabin space than the A330-300

cabin width: 5,61 meters

cabin length: 51,8 meters


Are those real life figures?


If so, that's not 10% larger.... not even close.


10% larger than the A333 would be:


~5.8m Width

~55.39m Length

Are those real life figures?


If so, that's not 10% larger.... not even close.


10% larger than the A333 would be:


~5.8m Width

~55.39m Length

Yes, these are real figures.

To calculate the area of a room in a building you have to multiply the lenght and the width of the room.

-If you have a 5m x 5m room the area of the room is 25 square meters.

-If you want to increase the area of your room by 10%, you just have to increase one lenght by half meter:

5m x 5,5m to get exactly ten percent bigger room size which is 27,5 square meters



To calculate the actual size of the cabin you have to multiply the lenght and the width values too:

A330-300: 5,28m x 50,35m = 265,848 square meters

A350-900: 5,61m x 51,8m = 290,598 square meters (which is 9,309% larger than the A333's cabin)

your 'supposed' values:

5,8m x 55,39m = 321,262 square meters (which is 20,844% bigger than the A333)


The new generation A350/787 aircrafts reach their higher cabin space with increased width (XWB - extra wide body) not just with lenght increase.

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