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Chapter 6: The Jaws of Victoryin Alpha TimelineContinental Airlines approached deregulation with cautious skepticism. On the one hand, it opened up vast opportunities for expansion, but on the other, it allowed rivals to do the same. Competition was intensifying from every... |
Qantas 737 inconsistenciesin Qantas CollectionQantas back at it again with weird paint inconsistencies. Todays episode we have the Silver Roo livery, and how newer 737s seem to have a weirdly painted foot. While older ones curved in a way that made the logo look normal (le... |
Chapter 5: North by Unitedin Alpha TimelineUnited Airlines seemed to have it all. For over a decade, it had reigned as the largest airline in America by passenger numbers alone. Its sprawling North American route network, anchored by hubs in some of the country’s most p... |