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#178378 Recommended cabin layouts?

Posted by SkyKing on 15 September 2014 - 07:22 PM in New Players and Questions

That depends on if you want realistic ones or maximum profit ones.



If you want realistic cabin layouts, https://docs.google....dit?pli=1#gid=0 . This spreadsheet is made by Oggey (currently named Rawggey)




If you want maximum profit ones, I can tell you the algorithm for not just the ones you requested, but every aircraft in the game.


Basically, what you do is you take the maximum seats of the aircraft and divide it by 55, and you get your number of first-class seats. As an example, I'll use the A320-200, which has 189 seats.

189/55=3,436363636... Getting the exact seat number down when you get answers like this, is to simply round the number you get down. So, in this case, it will be 3 first-class seats.


Then, you take the number you got and you multiply that by 6 to get your business-class seats. 


Even though the number here is more than 20,4999999999..., you still round this number down, as you're always supposed to do this when using this algorithm. Therefore, you're supposed to put in 20 business-class seats.


Lastly, you take the number of business-class seats and multiply that by 7 to get your economy-class seats.



And so, accoarding to this simple algorithm, an aircraft with 189 seats has the maximum profit seat config of: 3F/20C/144Y. You can use this algorithm for any aircraft in the game.



The above algorithm is very interesting.  What do you do if you only want to use Business and Economy only, no First class.

#153047 Notes

Posted by SkyKing on 07 October 2013 - 04:46 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

AirwaySim has a feature like that.  They call it "Company Note Pad."