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Curtis's Content

There have been 7 items by Curtis (Search limited from 22-September 23)

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#282583 AE Discord - The Future of AE Chat!

Posted by Curtis on 26 April 2020 - 03:57 AM in General AE Discussion

i agree mr zipp

#282532 Application - Aer Morisyen

Posted by Curtis on 24 April 2020 - 07:28 AM in Applications


#282526 Application - Aer Morisyen

Posted by Curtis on 24 April 2020 - 06:38 AM in Applications


aiwwine: aew mowisyen
aiwwine descwiption: basicawwy a wegacy aiwwine fwom the wepubwic of mauwitius, which pwovides massivewy ovewpwiced aiw twavew tuwu wocaw peopwe.
awwiance membewship: none
why azuwe?  because iwt was wecommended tuwu me as the most wewcoming awnd active awwiance own ae.
whawt cawn uwu contwibute tuwu the azuwe community? i cawn bwing divewsity as an actuaw mauwitian..... awso i wiww shawe with uwu my pwo stwats, which wiww enabwe us tuwu dominate evewy gawme thawt we entew.
why shouwd we accept uwu? the weasons above

#282461 Why gvgch deserves a medal

Posted by Curtis on 22 April 2020 - 06:19 PM in Off Topic

I think that this penguin bloke needs a medal for being persistent in asking for a medal

#282407 AE Discord - The Future of AE Chat!

Posted by Curtis on 21 April 2020 - 03:29 AM in General AE Discussion

Yup, pretty sure this one is the OG one innit

#282338 The new unofficial AE Discord server

Posted by Curtis on 20 April 2020 - 08:00 AM in General AE Discussion

This is false information

#282335 The new unofficial AE Discord server

Posted by Curtis on 20 April 2020 - 07:51 AM in General AE Discussion

Thank you Gvgch, I have waited many long years for something such as this to be created. I am a very lonely individual irl, so i appreciate your efforts to connect me with the world greatly.

Ya boi Curtis