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There have been 4 items by Vincentvh2 (Search limited from 22-September 23)

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#57650 Starting Aircraft Suggestions

Posted by Vincentvh2 on 30 September 2008 - 02:51 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

Your right about the growth factor I havent thought this well through b4 posting.

But I still think that:

How about the following:

Create a start list with all kinds of old aircraft.
This could be props or jets. Min age for props 5yrs,min age for jets 10.
Start with 10million buy as many aircraft as you like (in the rangefrom 3 to 10million).
But you need to have money left to buy gates and start a route.
The way I look at it the older aircraft have higher operating and fuelcost levelling out the "advantage" you have on buying a cheaper airframe.
To refrain the 2ndhand market to be overwhelmed with old aircraft these could automaticly be mothballed after 4/5 years of gameplay.
This also cuts out on speculating with 2hand start aircraft because the only option would be mothballing them if you would like to replace them earlier

To me it looks closer to the real world airlines this way.

Will enhance the AE experience.
If you make millions a day after a start no problem, the money can still be used for buying gates, new planes and so on triggering growth. The thing is that with above mentioned method you have to carefully rethink yr start as you dont get the 5 gates 2 aircraft and 5 million cash anymore.

Sarcasme is geen punt hoor.

#57648 Starting Aircraft Suggestions

Posted by Vincentvh2 on 30 September 2008 - 10:47 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

That should still be possible inmy idea, it is just the initial decision you take.

Buy 3x B1900 or J31 at 3mill. a pop and have money left for 5 or 6 gates
and start building from there.

The more I think about it the more I like my idea:D:sdrool:

#57646 Starting Aircraft Suggestions

Posted by Vincentvh2 on 30 September 2008 - 10:21 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

Exactly! It cancels out the "rapid growth factor" through buying and selling aircraft.
It makes you think more tactical at the very beginning, since this will determin when you can expand in the future.

For example:

Should I Buy:

1x F100 (100seats) at lets say 9.5mill. and only have money left for 1 gate
at AMS and MAD effectively giving me only 1 route


2x F50 (50seats) at 4.7mill. a pop and have money left for 2xAMS 1xLHR and
1XCDG effectively giving me 2 routes (or even 3 if you shuffle well)

it could be that the first option gives you an annual profit of 6mill. and the second 6.5mill. Or the other way around ofcourse.

Any thoughts?

BTw maybe you could even start with a B737-200 and only have money left for B-grade airports...

#57643 Starting Aircraft Suggestions

Posted by Vincentvh2 on 30 September 2008 - 08:00 AM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

How about the following:

Create a start list with all kinds of old aircraft.
This could be props or jets. Min age for props 5yrs,min age for jets 10.
Start with 10million buy as many aircraft as you like (in the rangefrom 3 to 10million).
But you need to have money left to buy gates and start a route.
The way I look at it the older aircraft have higher operating and fuelcost levelling out the "advantage" you have on buying a cheaper airframe.
To refrain the 2ndhand market to be overwhelmed with old aircraft these could automaticly be mothballed after 4/5 years of gameplay.
This also cuts out on speculating with 2hand start aircraft because the only option would be
mothballing them if you would like to replace them earlier

To me it looks closer to the real world airlines this way.