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There have been 2 items by OnlyAnotherAirlineCEO (Search limited from 22-September 23)

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#238979 Lease or Buy?

Posted by OnlyAnotherAirlineCEO on 21 June 2017 - 03:15 AM in New Players and Questions



I am the owner of Swish Air (S4E) Ranked 28. I am a new player. I was wondering when was the time I should buy rather than lease planes, or should I even buy at all. Considering the following factors:

  1. I am based in Singapore, which is not as good as other countries as there is really only 1 airport out.
  2. I earn only 21 million a day.

Thanks in advance!





#238985 Lease or Buy?

Posted by OnlyAnotherAirlineCEO on 21 June 2017 - 06:55 AM in New Players and Questions

Thanks Aviator48 and HanTseng. Sadly, progress is slow right now... so it might be a long way from doing that. Thanks for your advice though!