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#228828 400 Gates in a small town with 0 passengers ?

Posted by xnoybis on 29 December 2016 - 10:52 PM in General AE Discussion

Now with the blue pax strategy I could probably get $200bil DOP if I started from the beginning of the game. 


I get it, you play the exploit once as a proof of concept, but why do it ever again? If you remove actual human competition and any sort of creativity the only thing that remains is mindless grind, rinse and repeat. In O2 I can now see Book Siberia building hubs and 200 gate terminals in the middle of the Amazon after splattering green pins all over the east coast of US, after 6 in-game months of this I would have to sit down and take a really hard look on how I spend my time and reconsider my life choices, nevermind the fact that I would be bored to death. We get it, you found a way to get blue pax out of thin air, what's the point of doing it again and again? I remember why I stopped playing in 2011, at the end of the day, however you play it, green or blue, with one hub or with 200, it's a grind, this game needs some serious patching.