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There have been 4 items by WAZZ (Search limited from 17-June 23)

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#284688 [GAME] Describe the person above you in 6 words.

Posted by WAZZ on 28 October 2020 - 01:45 AM in Off Topic

Clearly does not enjoy the WAP.


(off-topic but I can't believe this thread I made on the fly is still semi-active almost 4 years later. I give my thanks to everyone who posted, is currently posting, and will continue to post, and happy describing)

#285060 Removing Political Restrictions between Taiwan and China

Posted by WAZZ on 26 November 2020 - 06:07 PM in Suggestions and Feature Requests

I don't know why this was bumped but I'll throw my 2 cents in.

By most any definition, Taiwan/ROC is a country of its own merit, but China/PRC doesn't like it to be referred to as such.

Maybe hostile tensions were still existent when the game was being developed. I'll give this my +1 though.

#284786 Bristol 170 VS VC 1?

Posted by WAZZ on 05 November 2020 - 03:35 AM in New Players and Questions

VC1 is usually what I chose, DC-3 is discontinued damn near immediately so you can't expand on its capabilities too much and the Bristol 170 has awful fuel flow.

Although all 3 are worse than the CV-240 line, get those ASAP and take care of it. Good reliable short-haul planes that are great for the early game. They eventually get outclassed later on, especially since R0 moves very fast in the beginning, but not until about 1960ish when the Vickers Vanguard becomes available that it truly becomes outclassed in its field.

#284736 Issue with my airline's human resources?

Posted by WAZZ on 31 October 2020 - 02:41 AM in General AE Discussion

This was fixed already but I'm going to answer it anyways.

Industry average is usually quite low compared to what is needed for good morale. After all, paying your workers (a thing that boosts reputation) is not something on most AE player's minds.

iirc the "starting" pay for cabin crew is something like $30 an hour. If you're focusing on reputation, try and keep around that number. If you aren't then don't bother. Attrition and morale don't do much of anything to profits, so $7 it is for them for most people focusing on profit.