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There have been 2 items by N4niner206 (Search limited from 11-June 23)

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#78879 Gate Leasing Limit in Realistic Worlds

Posted by N4niner206 on 27 January 2011 - 04:25 PM in General AE Discussion

I think in some cases there are way too many gates (and therefor slots) available at many of the airports. For example, small regional airports that in reality have 4 to 6 gates, in some cases have 25-50. To set these more accurately would also affect what happens at major airports, and keep some elements of competition in all markets.

An example... Terre Haute, IN (HUF) is an airport I'm familiar with. The real-world terminal has 2 gates and has not had passenger service in almost a decade. In-game, this airport has 25 gates! As it stands, if there is an abundance of gates at all aiports, the "big guys" will always be able to come in and take over. Smaller regional carriers potentially wouldn't stand a chance. If someone wanted to make their favorite small airport into a major hub, exercise an option to build additional gates/terminals.

#78990 Gate Leasing Limit in Realistic Worlds

Posted by N4niner206 on 28 January 2011 - 04:51 PM in General AE Discussion

We are updating gate counts for airports for the next version.

For small airports, reducing gates to 2-6 would exacerbate the takeover problem.

You can build your own terminal already.

My thinking about reducing the gates at some airports is that it would give some airlines a reason to exist. As it stands currently, even if you get a foothold at some small airports, the big guys with lots of money can move in and squeeze you out of the market. If an airport had limited gates/slots and a small airline was able to become established there, it would give realistic reasons for airlines to form alliances as well. As it stands currently, any airline that has the cash can serve the tiniest airports because there is so much gate space. In the real world, many airlines have merged, code-shared, or even been bought just because they had established themselves in limited markets, or had gate space that was at a premium. When every small airport has 25 gates (including airports that realistically have only 2-6), the only way to keep the competition out is to buy all 25 gates. I'm not opposed to competition, just stating that a whole dynamic to the airline business is missing when many airports have a disproportionately large amount of gate space.

Regarding the abilitiy to build your own terminal... I am aware of that ability... that is the option that I was referring to.

All said, this is a great game and I don't mean this at all to come across as a complaint... merely one member's suggestions. I think it is awesome that you are polling the members for input, and I thought I would present a point of view that may have not been expressed yet. My thought is this would open additional dynamics to the game, where members would have an opportunity to use an additional level of strategy. Just 2 cents from a fan.